
Friday, December 15, 2006

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I am being very still. Because I really really want to go to the Christmas party for Richy's new job tonight. No movee.
Boy oh boy.

Last night I was just sewing away and I got SO sick of puppet #4. I started hating him. So, I called it a night. He shall be resurrected later today and hopefully he looks okay. You know how things go when you start getting tired and frustrated. Or flusterated, if you prefer.
I wonder what all these tiny yarn scraps are doing to Toby's digestive system. Well, I guess I'll find out. Or Richy, rather. He was changing Toby this morning and he told him, "These dirty diapers disturb my spirit..." So, we'll see if Toby shapes up or just keeps 'em coming.

Josh, check out the song on my myspace.

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