
Monday, December 11, 2006

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Marnin, all.
Today I am being very crafty. Not in a diabolical I'm going to take over the WORLD sense.... more of the sock-puppet making craftiness.
Oh, they are cute.
Yesterday I went to Walmart and rode in the wheelchair, to buy the supplies for my crafts. I knew Richy, being of the male variety, would have great difficulty procuring crafty items. We would have buttons, socks and easy cheese.
So, my kids went to the Clark fun-house, and I went to Walmart. It was exhausting. I think I shall never go again.

Richy started his job today. He looked so great in his work clothes. I am going to miss him insanely - he is always around, except when he leaves for weeks on end.
Oh, and I'm having a girl.

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