
Friday, December 29, 2006

the picture show

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We had an excursion last night... I went to the movies.
I was kinda nervous about it, but Brynn and I did really well. I think the fact that I am carrying her so high up is helping. Near the end of the movie, I started having a lot of contractions. So I ran to the ladies room while Sylvester Stallone was getting punched in the head repeatedly. When I came back, it was still going on. So it was a good time to leave.
Rocky Balboa was a GREAT movie. I loved it. Seriously. It was really good. We had tried to prepare ourselves by watching some Rocky archives at home the last couple of weeks... so we were ready.
So you should all go see it but not this weekend because this weekend is Prayer Storm.
I have taken the week off from crafty projects and was getting kind of bored... until my new books came! Hooray!

It has been an exceedingly slow blog week. Maybe next week will be an upswing.

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