
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Your to awsome to mispell

I am a bit of a spelling nerd. That is not the same thing as a grammar nerd. Grammar, I don't care so much about. (hee hee... take that, grammar enthusiasts) Like the whole can/may thing. I can but MAY I? Nerds. You know who you are.

Anyway, although I am not one of those... I am a bit of a spelling enthusiast. And while misspelled emails and such don't really bother me, and misspelled text messages are expected, I get pretty annoyed with misspelled billboards. I mean, really. How much did you spend just to put your ignorance up there?

For example, say you Conrovians are driving down the loop (the following will be female directions) AWAY from HEB and toward the Pepsi plant- there is a business in between there somewhere with a big sign hanging on it - advertising EQUIPTMENT. Let's say you head further out towards Midway on 105. Excellance in Childcare, anyone?

(tangent: i went a'googling for misspellings... google "misspelled tattoos" for some entertainment)

All this to say, I was HORRIFIED to find a misspelling right here on my own precious geeky blog! And it has been front and center for MONTHS! HORROR! I deeply apologize to anyone who was offended, and I know it makes you question my validity as a true speller. I hope in time to revive your trust in me.

In other news, I drove for about 7 hours yesterday. We got in around...1 something? 2, maybe? I think I've blocked it out.


  1. My faith in you is now at an all time low. I have not the words to express.

  2. This is like finding out your pastor has back slidden.

    Like finding out life is not as you have thought it was for over a decade.

  3. omg! i have read that paragraph so many times! and i never noticed it.

    my current beef is with facebook quizzes that can't spell or use the proper form of "your." they should really have a proofreader who approves those things to be published. i specifically enjoy grammar mistakes on grammar quizzes.

  4. hey, i love your new thingy -- you know the one that replaced the misspelled one. =)

  5. i notice the misspelled words but dont want to expose
    love covers a multitude of sins
    but then
    are misspelled words a sin
    what would ms smartypants say on this subject

  6. I think that is great to have a pregancy. I never noticed either. I left a smartypants question on friday. Can we be left hanging just cause it's tuesday, it's not like she is gone or anything.-G

  7. You can be left hanging, and later this week when SMartypants is out of stuff to talk about, she will answer. Great question, btw.

  8. Toby the bluesman.I knew it. It's in the blood. Mama

  9. nah!!! thatz nut mizpelled. Itz u tie-po. BIG diverence! But thiz iz koming frum the WuRLDS WuRST SbELLER!!!!


  10. BTW...you might wanna fix the spelling of todays blog title! to awesome shoulda been spelled "too" awesome!! where oh where did I go wrong in teachin you to spell in second grade!LOL

  11. Dear Jessica. I actually stopped reading your blog when I first noticed your spelling error. I was, well, pretty ticked off. I had a small dog at the time...just a mutt. I kicked her, Jessica. I kicked her because of you! I mean, what's the point of it all, really? Once I realized that Jessica Clark was capable of spelling incorrectly, my whole life went downhill. I started drinking coffee...and I'm not talking decaff. I went full caff. I had a headache once. I took one pill over the recommended amount. Then, when I was really feeling low, I went swimming without waiting the prescribed amount of time after eating. Yeah, I cramped up. So, it was with JOY that I heard about your admittance and correction of your spelling blunder. The world is right again. Nice title, by the way, I get it.
    -Tosh Jaylor

  12. Tosh,
    Did you run with scissors too?

  13. i liked the title too, but you missed the opportunity to say
    "your to awsome too mispell"
    so i was disappointed.

  14. Tosh!!!!! So nice to see you on Blog!

  15. You're too awesome to misspell ....

    Second Grade teacher missed this!

  16. it's true i missed a valuable opportunity, beth. I actually thought about changing it today, but it just seemed like overkill...

  17. Probably just pregancy (sic) brain :o)


  18. Hannah....... NO ONE IS PREGNANT IN KC...... stop teasing me......

  19. actually, this is the most fertile community on earth. EVERYONE is pregnant. But not me...

  20. Oops! Wasn't implying that anyone is pregnant. Just that once we've been pregnant, our brains are never the same again :oP

  21. aaannddd, that last one was Hannah, again.

  22. and also, that Hannah is not Hannah Crouse

  23. Well, I hate to say this, but you'd probably rather know...

    "Jetsom" is actually spelled "jetsam".

    I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

  24. ha! you sent me on a google search, in which I found "jetsom" to be the original, but no longer used, word... still, I will bow to the future and change it. :)

  25. I went to fix it, and I just couldn't. I'm too attached to jetsom...


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