
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

oh yeah- we found a house


Forgot the funnest bit of news yesterday- we found a house! Of course, most y'all already knew that because of the Mr's facebook. But lemme tell you:

Well, first, I usually have in mind that people I know may at some time read my blogs- like my future landlord. So there is that little reservation. I will tell you about the house with that in mind.

The house was listed on Craigslist and it sounded like a joke- I mean, it was like if Daniel wrote a fake ad for exactly what we were looking for or something. It's 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with a basement and RV parking (for the trailer and radiant van), plus a fenced yard and an extra sunroom. We called the guy, and he's an IHOPer and wants to stop renting it by the room and eventually wants to sell it. So we went and saw it, but there are still three single guys renting it, so we had to look with eyes of faith.

It's a fixer-upper, in that it needs to be repainted everywhere, and the carpet in the dining area needs to be pulled up to the wood floors (everywhere else in the house is hardwood), and the base for the wood-burning stove (some kinda antique-how cool is that) needs to be re-tiled. Lucky for us, the owner is willing to pay for all the materials, and we can fix it up how we want. It's gonna be awesome.

It has two bedrooms on the first floor. One is pretty spacious and has a big-ish closet (Hannah). The other one is a teeny little room with lots of sunlight (R2). There's a full bath downstairs, and it needs some updating, but mostly cosmetic. I didn't look too closely, because there's three GUYS living there and I would probably rather not know.

The kitchen is small, but the dining area has a built-in hutch, so storage space is good. Oh, and bless the Lord for He is holy, there is A DISHWASHER. It's circa 1980, but I don't care. I will use it until it dies.
The dining area is carpeted in a nice navy 1980's polka dot, and soon it will be either hardwood or tiled... then there is a big sunroom off the back. It's big, all windows and very enticing. I plan on doing some serious reading in that room.

Then up the wood stairs to the 2nd floor (which seems like the 3rd because of the basement) and a bedroom that we will use for the babies- the MOG looked at it but I was mainly trying to keep Toby from a)plunging to his hurt and b)away from Bachelor 2's drumset. Full bath upstairs, unflushed toilet. Nice.

The master bedroom is big, and it has a skylight. Bachelor 3 evidently doesn't care for daylight, so he has a sheet hanging on the ceiling to block the light- but I am stoked about that light. I am SO excited. There was also a pair of enormous boxer shorts, a big-screen TV, and an impressive collection of video games, but I don't think they come with the house. The room has 2 closets. One is kinda an alcove built into the roof, you know, so on a slant, and the other is a medium size walk-in. THEN, there is a door to outside, where there is a balcony! It's a little scary looking, but we stomped around and it's sturdy. It looks over the fenced backyard.

The MOG just stood there staring, no doubt envisioning himself with a cup of Joe, the Holy Book, and angelic visitations in a lawn chair out there in the future...

The basement is unfinished, but big with lots of storage shelves and a little walled-off area which is evidently a producer's dream for a basement drum room. The studio will be down there, as well as the laundry room, which he is already figuring out how to hide from his view. There's a one-car garage, but a gated-off driveway that is big enough for our van and trailer, without compromising the main driveway, which could easily hold 3 cars.

So the whole thing is big, and old and really interesting- so full of potential for us to make it ours. Who knows, maybe we'll want to buy it someday. We move in July 1st, since we'll be on the road for the next 3 weeks. We can start going in and doing repairs in June, and I'll be taking pictures and videos.


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like this house SO much! and a dishwasher too! i want you to LIVE there and then i will come visit! :) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God will find me a dream house too... i can't wait!

  2. oh my gosh. sounds AMAZING! can it be real? how great Thou art.

  3. I love how the Lord answers prayers and un-prayed desires and preferences so PERFECTLY. Congratulations! It looks awesome!

  4. This is fantastic!!! enjoy your new place!

  5. Sounds great. Congrats!

    If I were local, I'd do some tiling and other work for you.

  6. I have seen it in person and I think you should buy it....

  7. sounds AMZING!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!!!

  8. hallow there, jessie! baby!

    i love bean's tutu! you could sell those, you know!

    i just want you to know that i just mentioned you on my blog.

    you know, the one i never write on!

    i mention you in fact, all the time! because you, my friend, are my inspiration to take pen and paper,,,ahem....mouse and keyboard and strike them!

    cute house!!!!!!! when r u coming this way again?

    or facebook me.. it seems to be all the rage.

  9. just saw this.. happy for you all-- meets many needs~ even desires : D

  10. Woohoo!!! Sounds like an awesome find - so exciting! PTL


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