
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2:28 pm popeyes chicken Forstell, mo. We are en route to Nashville to meet up with the Texas radiants. So far the tiny princess has done very well, except a meltdown when I thought she was done eating. Do not get in between baby and her chicken, FYI.

4:57 pm somewhere in Illinois. I finished another tutu, my best one yet. I think we've got another 3.5 hours or so to n-ville. In other news, I think viking granny has potty trained toby in less than a day. Revere her.

The boring road blogs won't last forever. I plan on worse case, RoboBlogger. We are about 2 hours from Nashville at 7:53 pm


  1. OOOOOOO I miss her already.... She is such a sweety pie....

  2. Mostly cause richy stops to pee every 30 miles...

  3. Richy stops to pee every 30 miles? When we all went to OneThing '02 he was the driving force denying people restroom stops. His bladder not so good in his old age?

    Eva- if you potty train Toby in a couple days, we are buying you a ticket to Seattle when they get back from the road.

  4. Josh----- check out video of Tobias on FACEBOOK and another one on BedsteJoy.blogspot.com

    This child IS potty trained in one day.........

    He actually is training himself...... I am simply supervising....

  5. Jess - your baby boy is tooo cute for words! He's a big boy now! And not just at home but Wal-mart too!

    Now you can join the ranks of the mom's who know the location of every public bathroom in their town... Another job for the GPS - toilet locator?

  6. Aunt Eva -- when we have kids, we're dropping them by your place for day-potty treatment. We'll buy you something fancy in return.
    Like cheetos.


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