Today, I will talk about hair. Because, really, what is more exciting than hair?

I have been growing mine out for a while, because I was experimenting and I thought I could live with it. That lasted until a couple of days ago, when I was watching our podcast and saw this. >> Oh.Heck.No.
No, no, no.
So I set my heart to get a haircut. So God, who laughs at my plans, had my husband lined up to lead worship every day since we've been home.
Here's the deal. I have turned into kinda a wuss when it comes to going places with my wee ones. I used to strap Brynn on, put Toby in some kinda wheeled device, and attach R2's hand to said wheeled device, and go everywhere. I was awesome. We'd go to Walmart, and people would literally stop me to tell me how good my kids were, and how amazing I was. Those were the days.
These days, I tend to hold Brynn into wheeled devices by force and seatbelt while shrieking like a fishwife at Toby to come back before he gets smashed by a cart and I am never taking him anywhere ever again. R2 is in school a lot, but when he's not I am also scrambling to pick up random groceries he has gathered out of our cart and tossed down the aisle for a good joke.
So no, not so much of the solo anymore. I do still take them to the library, and scan titles frantically while whispering threats.
(disclaimer: they are still the best kids anywhere. i spend an hour in walmart and 30 minutes at the library with NO fits... just hyperactivity and curiosity)
This is getting kind of long, but maybe I just feel in the zone a little bit. Probably because I ate fish, which is brain food.
So anyway, I was planning on taking the babies with me to get my haircut at Great Clips, because I had a coupon for $7.99 and I am a glutton for punishment. I notified the world of this via the internet, like I do for all of my activities in all of my life, and I got a tweet back from my friend Tracie... she wanted to cut my hair. Now, Hannah has volunteered to cut my hair before, but it was more of a joke. Tracie was serious. So I carped the diem. (BTW, if you have not read Tracie's blog, go catch up. They're heroes) I put the babies down for their nap and escaped, leaving the MOG in charge.

It helped to know that Tracie cuts her daughter's hair, and her husband's... because they are rock stars. So I was excited.
I went over there and showed her my picture of what I always do, but specified I did not want to look like such a mom. (moms are awesome, but they look kind of lame). The end result was really cool. Then I came home and dyed it bright auburn. It can stick up really good if I put stuff in it, too. I think I might get to be in the band now. Maybe a tambourine or something...
I think it looks super swanky. You are a gorgeus girl.
ReplyDeleteI often start my conversations with my stylist as "I don't want to look like a soccer mom..."
I went back to aveeda after my haircut and told them. I am actually looking for the grandma look.-G
ReplyDeleteI look more like a grandma now.
hey, georgia- you should put pictures of your hair on your FACEBOOK!
ReplyDeleteLove you and your hair!
ReplyDeleteAre you in the band now? Did the hair cut do it for you? Does MOG like it.... It is darlin!!
ReplyDeleteok the hair is really cute... but for future reference.. NEVER GET YOUR HAIR CUT ANYWHERE THAT HAS THE NAME CLIP IN IT! or a 7.99 coupon for that matter. Its just bound for disaster!
ReplyDeletei hear you on the lame mommy thing!
any i was itching for a hair cut a few months back.. and now i regret going through with it.
and last... EVA: i don't think DARLIN is what jess was going for. but it does sound Texan!
Did you read the article on yahoo about the fact that people who use facebook have lower grades than people who don't?-G
ReplyDeleteHere is a part of the article.
ReplyDeleteHer study found that Facebook user GPAs were in the 3.0 to 3.5 range on average, compared to 3.5 to 4.0 for non-users. Facebook users also studied anywhere from one to five hours per week, compared to non-users who studied 11 to 15 or more hours per week. -G
You're done with school. And besides, we are smarter than 99%... we can afford to slide a little
ReplyDeletei heard a study about job places that DON"T allow employees to access my space/face book type pages vrs those who DO allow it. and the employees who WERE allowed to use face book/my space to take short breaks through out the day were MORE PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE!
ReplyDeletethat was supposed to be plural.
ReplyDeletei went to the blog of your loux friends. and i saw pictures of like 10 kids, i think, but the segment on "my kids" includes only 3. Where did she get the rest of them. I read a long time and couldn't find out.
ReplyDeleteI think probably those that let them use facebooks were more lenient companies and that caused the change in morale.Like I said before facebook is bad. Really bad. Don't do that.-G
I am grieved somewhere deep in my blog psyche...
Some of my favorite people at The Father's House are on facebook.
ReplyDeleteWe need to pray...-G
G-probably 65 % of MCF is FB......... OMG
ReplyDeleteGeorgia, you should join as a missionary.
ReplyDeleteNote to newbies: Georgia is my older sister who needs a facebook.
ReplyDeleteI guess facebook is DEMONIC. All those facebookers REPENT for this evil attempt to converse and fellowship with one another.
ReplyDeletedon't be deceived, its is lowering the moral or your community! and judgement is coming. So repent and pick up your pens and paper and begin to once again live the holy life as pen pals!
Don't be afraid of change OLD people ;0) I'm glad to see my elders branching out and not judging the younger generation. I'm glad to see them jumping in and using the awesome things this generation is creating.
lets look back in time before cell phones where in every hand... when pagers first came out. i had one, and at any time my parents were able to get in touch with me. but the common man said pagers were only for drug dealers. i have to say not once did i get in touch with MY drug dealer via pager!
by old people i mean any one 75 and up :-)
ReplyDeletecant u trust mog to cut ur hair?
ReplyDeleteHe would probably do a good job, but he thinks of holy things...
ReplyDeleteHa ha, LOVE the hair!!
ReplyDeleteI REALLY need Paul to trim my hair) :D