
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogging from the Core in Houston, Texas... I figured a hi-tech youth ministry like this would have wi-fi, and they did not disappoint. Tonight I think the guys (and Han) are planning on doing a bit of rock and roll- worshipful, of course...
Venues like this, I typically don't plan to sing, since backup vocals are best at a minimum, but we also are hoping to record some good spontaneous stuff. Therefore, I am miked.

Huge, huge setup here tonight- we gave ourselves 3 hours. So I was so glad that Toby and Brynn settled right down for their naps.

They have Segways here. As you can imagine, this is greatly increasing our productivity.


  1. yeah, but WHAT fun!

    just think, jess how we
    could also increase our
    productivity this way.....


    but would we get more
    laundry done?



Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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