
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

back to the future dentist

I went to the dentist yesterday, well, really 3 days or so in the future. Remember, I am writing these on Sunday night. So I'm all sci-fi, see?

Anyway, the dentist. I might jot down some details to recap next week. Suffice it to say, I will use my GPS to drive deep into the ghetto, park and run indoors, where students will talk and laugh loudly as I entrust my mouth to them. I think I'm just getting a cleaning, though. I can't see that clearly... it's all hazy from here.

I also foresee a JPR set in the future, I mean yesterday. We will be singing and praying from Psalm 23, which seems pretty basic but evidently has some serious cross-references. I imagine the set will go well, although I will once again realize that I am not familiar with the Bible.

The deal is, I need to be familiar with it. I wanna breathe it. Because the way I want to live, and move- is based on stuff I haven't really searched out. Maybe today in the future will be some kinda breakthrough on that.


  1. do you have a babysitter for the Junior Prayer Room?

    Do the babies sit patiently and worship while you sing?

  2. i am fasting blogs
    if jess can do it
    i can do it
    c u all later

  3. this is not a time for the bloggers to fast only the bloggeeee


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