
Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm not ok, you're not ok


You know who Jesus loves? People. 

all of us broken, messed up, proud people. he loves us even when we are not loving each other- but He wants us to change. What bothers me about you- is in me. So let me say this. I love the church. Whatever needs to change in the church needs to change in me, because you and I- we are the church. I can't point fingers anywhere but here. Honestly, this is much easier. I have plenty of work to do right here. And you? Well, I love you. You can deal with your own heart. :)

"Love is beautiful, but it is also terrible-- terrible in its determination to allow nothing blemished or unworthy to remain in the beloved." Hannah Hurnard in Hind's Feet on High Places


  1. yes. determined.
    and sweet.
    that's what I like.

    He has always been faithful and near when I'm brokenhearted and contrite.
    Relief and peace in that He treasures that!
    when He sees the various sins in me. what an amount lately.

    Many times His refining is helped by a person's soul searching alone(& His divine appts. of text/words/radio/sermon..) yet He does on occasion use others:

    "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."
    2 Timothy 4:2

    : ) long suffering

    "The rod and reproof give wisdom:
    but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
    Proverbs 29:15

    His desired path for my heart, in my life this far, has preciously been touched and guided by His use of many caring people.

    The exceeding joy!-- He.. He, my Beloved, will present us faultless before His throne.

    I've learned a lot having a toddler.. : D I treasure this boy and think of the treasures in store for Him.. Keith and my Bell.

    I was about to end and this happened- a modern parable : )

    I try to keep the burp cloth under Meara's bib to catch her sudden spit-up.. she delights in the design and likes to hold and shake it. She removes it from the place to keep us both clean.. spit-up on both of our pants. She is ignorant to the results. Ignorance means a state in which a person lacks knowledge and is unaware of something.

    Sin we do willfully.
    Ignorance is what also gets us into pain and regret. That's why we need our Shepherd and a listening ear.

    Jessica, I pray He comforts, fills, and removes any shame you may have as your sin is forgiven. He is gentle.

    shame: the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another

    love you too!

  2. I love this picture of Brynncess..... so sassy with her miniskirt and boots....

    The Post is too deep for my mood today. I will read it and Shannon's comment when I am less hyper...

  3. im not ok... your not ok..

    enough said

  4. i really learned a lot when i read Hannah Hurnard's book HINDS FEET ON HIGH PLACES back in 1980... Did I ever tell you that is one of the reasons my little Palindrome got her name?


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