oh that cwazy nashville
Blogging from the iPhone is a real hassle. I plan on using my laptop whenever we have wifi – so don’t fear lame...
+Blogging from the iPhone is a real hassle. I plan on using my laptop whenever we have wifi – so don’t fear lame...
+2:28 pm popeyes chicken Forstell, mo. We are en route to Nashville to meet up with the Texas radiants. So far the tiny...
+Forgot the funnest bit of news yesterday- we found a house! Of course, most y'all already knew that because of the Mr's facebook....
+All right, Robo-Blogger is officially off duty. It was pretty fun coming back and reading all the comments. My fast was okay. It...
+birch williams said...Mrs. Smartypants, Given the tough economic condition, what is the quickest way for me to become a millionaire?The absolute quickest way...
+You know who Jesus loves? People. all of us broken, messed up, proud people. he loves us even when we are not loving each...
+I went to the dentist yesterday, well, really 3 days or so in the future. Remember, I am writing these on Sunday night....
+It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn...
+I will be beginning a week-long internet fast today. This is the HARDEST thing for me to fast, because I live on the...
+A few days ago, I was drawn into a political swirl when I realized that there were multiple Tax Day Tea Parties in...
+Hey, y'all might have missed this, but Texas declared its sovereignty yesterday. Maybe you don't know what that means. I, with sovereignty as...
+I forgot that R2 had a nutritionist appointment today. Luckily, I counted on my lameness and had an iCal email alert set up....
+Today, I will talk about hair. Because, really, what is more exciting than hair? I have been growing mine out for a while, because...
+New VIDEO PODCAST IS HERE!! TEXAS!! part 1. DIRECT DOWNLOAD: http://tinyurl.com/cu8pkq ITUNES: http://tinyurl.com/b4m4zp...
+I am having a hard time blogging today, because I am sad. Sad makes people uncomfortable. I am sad because it is April, and...
+Yesterday, every time I started to post, it was time to go somewhere. So it never got done. I deeply apologize for the...
+I am a bit of a spelling nerd. That is not the same thing as a grammar nerd. Grammar, I don't care so...
+This transmission cut off prematurely while I was recording this at midnight, so I'll just catch you up. Awesome, exhausting week of ministry....
+I went on strike yesterday due to the lousy amount of comments my last post collected. Once I figured out that wasn't going...
+Blogging from the Core in Houston, Texas... I figured a hi-tech youth ministry like this would have wi-fi, and they did not disappoint....