
Thursday, July 10, 2008


My friend Amy is in labor now... Livi died in the womb a few days ago, and we've been asking God for a miracle. So far He has not answered how we would have hoped. Amy is 21 weeks pregnant. This is her 5th loss.

So my heart is heavy today. Is it God? Is it us? Faith, sovereignty, fallen world? I don't know. I have zero answers.
I know God loves Amy, and John, and Livi.

I'm not struggling so much as I am sad. I'm tired of death.

In other news, Toby and Bean are busy little toddlers these days.
They climb. He jumps, she gets stuck.
They share, and they steal and fight.
They laugh at each other and scream at each other.
Just now, we were driving, and he would say "Uh oh!" and across the van a teeny little "Uh oh" would echo back.... then they started roaring back and forth.
Richy rides in between them in the van, but at home he usually keeps a little distance. For one thing, they are probably going to get in trouble. For another thing, they are possibly going to be violent. Just a little safer up on the couch or a couple of feet away.

It's hard to fast when I'm sad. A good book or a vat of chocolate would be so helpful right now....


  1. Hey jess

    went to the doc finally and mine is a girl, but I am having quite a few complications. I have a partial placenta previa. Please pray, I go see doc every two weeks for ultrasounds until 36 weeks and then automatic c-section.

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend Jess, I know it is close to home for you.

  3. so sorry to hear about livi
    my comfort in these matters is:
    God knows
    He formed her
    He knew her before she was conceived
    She is with Him

    not much when you grieve
    it's still so very hard

  4. will pray for julie too

  5. That makes me so sad.. is she from HP?

    What a bunch of cute bustling toddler/baby joy there!! So cute about the uh-oh!

    The pic- looking out window is adorable **

  6. Is that first anon comment Julie D. or C.?

  7. Yes, very sad about Amy and Livi. I can’t imagine what it’s like for those that have not had any children, and keep having loses. Shannon shows me some of the comments on HP, so I hear how some of them feel.

    I agree with Shannon. That picture of them looking out the window is very cute. They look like two little buddies!

    I’ve been doing work at our new house before we move it. I worked all day Friday getting ready for us to paint this coming weekend. I took yesterday off and did some floor tiling. I go after work today to grout the tile that I did yesterday. I enjoy getting to work on our place, and just getting out of an office and doing some sweat and hand skill work.

  8. how many months pregnant are u now julie?

  9. Shannon.......My Jewel is NOT pregnant!

    Is there another Julie in blog land?

    If not, then Sharon must be ecstatic about another grand-daughter.

  10. Shannon, she reads HP some but I don't think she's posted. She has 3 living sons, too. they are like 8 and 9 and 2.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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