
Wednesday, July 23, 2008


We've been going up to the HOP every day around 10 or 11 with the family. That's a pretty noisy set, and nobody really minds kids being a little wild then. Most days it works pretty well. Today , Toby was demonstrating the reality of a child's sin nature for all the other kids. We did all our usual tricks but nothing worked, so we bailed pretty much right after he screamed as loud as he could on global TV. Thanks, we do our part to contribute.

We'll be coming back to Texas for a couple of days to rehearse for the Call... I am pretty excited about the unscheduled trip. The fast ends the day we get there, and I am planning on sending the old intestines into shock with an OD of Rancho Grande. I would just warn you not to get between me and my fork. People have died for less. Fasting might make me more humble, but it doesn't mean I can't still bust a little Texas on yer rear. I'm just sayin.


In other news, Brynn's personality is starting to show... and she is funny and sassy and independent. (like me, the MOG says) I am having so much fun getting to know her. Cried my eyes out last night because she didn't really want to nurse, and I know the weaning process has begun. Which in some ways, is great for me. But my mommy heart is hurting... I'll probably write some sappy poetry about it soon.
<<<-----check out my blog list over here... cool. you can see I updated my pix blog yesterday, if you're into seeing cute kids)

Another thing I might write sappy poetry about: the demise of our laptops. Richy's is held together by duct tape, and the trackpad doesn't work anymore, so he carriesaround a mouse. He looks so cool. And me, my baby iBlanca is very sick. She works about once a day, so when she's up I am frantically transferring files. So, if anybody wants to start a fundraising drive to buy us new laptops, I am on board with that. And before you few remaining PC-ites speak up, these are OLD computers. We have driven them into the ground. A PC would have gone up in flames about 3 years ago with what we put our laptops through. So there.

And that is the news of the day. Come on, gimme some comments. :)


  1. Duct tape rules. (Along with Macs.)
    A true son of Cal Stanley. And what babies! I am overwhelmed! Mama

  2. just a weenie
    just a weenie
    just a weenie
    just a weenie
    just a weenie
    just a weenie
    just a weenie

  3. Anony is a WEENIE and they apparently are not attending the CALL either.....

  4. Richard...... rumor has it that DUCT TAPE is available in a variety of colors .....including SILVER!!!

  5. Rumor also has it that someone Richard knows just got a new MacBook Pro out of nowhere and knows how bad radiant could use it!

  6. Woooooo

    Rumor also has it that everyone under the sun.......

    and everyone under the SON.....

    NEEDS the "JoyMac"

    Wonder How much it would cost to rent it out?

    Hey....I could subsidize my income.....till the new business starts up....

  7. Someone Richard Knows will also freely loan out JoyMac whenever Radiant needs it until Radiant gets their own dream MAC.....

    catch is.....must have loaner mac to ease and pacify Mac withdrawel.....

    Must be able to check Blogs and Twitters and work on dream job

  8. Who knows where I can go to get a basic job description of a Board of Directors.





  9. I am SO THRILLED you emailed me so I can read your blog now. I am loving those pics of Brynn and the sick laptops. Also- I am glad we are now blog friends.

  10. Rumor has is that you won't see me around the blog during the day until next week. I took today and tomorrow off to finish work I'm doing on the house, and Friday is frantic pack day cause we're moving Saturday. Pretty excited about moving into our house! I'll check in when I can.

    Rumor, out.

    I have not comment on the Mac laptops, I know they're good machines.

    Cool blog list. I've been wanting to post some stuff on my blog, but been so busy. Once we're moved, I'll get some new pics and vids up.

  11. O no O no!

    I broke one of those florescent light-bulbs.....

    I forgot what I am supposed to do...send it to China..

    put it in a blue plastic bag and call the Fire Dept.

    What !


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