
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today, I was notified via Twitter that, and I quote, "Lou just blew up a devotional set. Bam!" This inspired me to go rewind the webcast and watch the explosion. Who is Lou? maybe you're asking... Lou Engle is a friend and a man of prayer. He tends to explode things, in a spiritual sense. Anyhoo.

I went and watched it, and then watched a lot more... it was crazy in the prayer room today. Normally, it's fairly low-key in there. It's always good... it's consistent, day and night intercession and loving on Jesus... but it's not often that it's roaring. Today, I was so inspired by the webcast, I gathered my young about me and went up there. It was great. We only stayed 30-40 minutes before it got all quiet and devotional, but it was awesome. Toby waited until the opportune moment to yell out, "YAY!" and everyone started laughing and clapping and praising God... that's my kid, y'all.

I just, for the first time ever, hired a babysitter that I don't know. In fact, this is probably the first time I've ever paid a babysitter... I have had it good. We're leading worship for baby Livi's memorial service tomorrow, and I can't really bring Dynamo and his two sidekicks. So I searched high and low and found an IHOP-recommended sitter... wow. My kids have been doing great in kid's church and the YMCA, so it won't be a big deal for them. But I have to clean! A lot! Yikes!

No deep thinking today... my soul is tired.


  1. OMG Linda! Gramma-a Babysitter--who would of ever thought! OMG

  2. jess Halp!

    My iPhone hung up big time on last post!!!HALP

  3. I was so excited to get some comments... little did I know Eva was spamming me...

  4. well considering everyones advice I'm convinced i can get a tattoo!!! I will accept donations !!!! Because i can't afford one right now >>> matt

  5. In other news, I went to the doc yesterday and I was dialated to a 2 and he thinks I will have the baby by the weekend. So thank goodness I wont have to take any medicine. Thank you to those who prayed for me I appreciate it!

  6. Matt-
    I will contribute 100% of the cost of your tatoo...in that, I will do it for you. I mean, I've never done one before, but how hard can it be? There's always a first time, right? ...and that way you can have it right away! I was thinking something small to start; from Isaiah 27:1 -
    "At that time God will unsheathe his sword, his merciless, massive, mighty sword. He'll punish the serpent Leviathan as it flees, the serpent Leviathan thrashing in flight. He'll kill that old dragon that lives in the sea."
    It should only take up MOST of your back, not all of it...
    Dude, I can already see it! I'm gonna start drawing it out. What are you doing tomorrow?

  7. Love it, Nate!-G

  8. Hey, I have some extra printer ink I bought from the dollar store in 2004, yall could have it for Matt's tattoo.-g

  9. I heard once this story about this babysitter....-G

  10. superN8---

    Is that a pic of the mother Mary?

  11. superN8---

    Is that a pic of the mother Mary?

  12. I am computer less and my iPhone has a lysp or something so maybe jess can delete all repeats

  13. One Post Kool-----

    I am so happy for you Jennifer---

    Matt u should save your $ for diapers and give Nate a try--

    Jess---any babysitter horror stories?

  14. Nate I apretiate the offer!!!!! But honestly I would never break down and get a tattoo>>>> I thought a picture of Christ from revelations you know white wooly hair eyes of fire and a sword from His mouth would be cool!!! But i truely enjoy honoring the Father with my unmarkrd body...Matt

  15. Matt- I’m not sure you should pass up Nate’s offer. It sounds pretty promising.

  16. matt---why so wishy washy?

    Is that last Matt an imposter?

    Why the 100% turn around from "need donations" to "honor God with unmarked bod"???

  17. well you see i have an ulter personallity 2 or 3 of them!!!! >>>matt

  18. r U a super hero too?

  19. r U a super hero too?

  20. Unbeknown to the world, I DO have a tat of Dr. Graham on my rear. Every time I sit down, it reminds me to pray to become just like him, and not to sit down on him.

    (JK) - Richy

  21. Hey, reminder to all locals (and by that I mean those who live here where the blog originated). Texas Ablaze is under way and Bill Johnson is one of the speakers. It ends tomorrow night, so tonight and tomorrow are your last chance to go (night sessions are open to the public). Also, Kevin Prosch and Co. are leading worship...don't know the specific schedule of speakers.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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