
Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Today, in the continuing Medical Adventures of R2, we went to the dentist. This is the first time we have been to the dentist in years, as we were told that he would have to be sedated to be checked out... Only problem was, basically no-one sedates children. And the ones that do are booked out like, 18 months in advance. So our pediatrician's nurse worked magical magic and got us in to one.
And he did fine... I mean, he doesn't like to open his mouth. But if I kinda pull it open, he's cooperative. And he, unlike his siblings, is not likely to bite. Good visit, no cavities, no problems right now. In a couple of years they said we'll have to worry about crowding. (I feel pretty crowded as it is) So when he's older they may have to take teeth out to make room.
So now we're done with doctor's appointments for a few weeks. Sheesh.

Now: the topic of the day.
When Viking Granny opens a maternity home, which she will most likely do in the near future, what should she name it? Please comment some ideas for her.


  1. What a cutie that boy is! I don't know about the name but it sounds like a great idea. I can't think of anybody better to build a home like that. You go Viking. Mama

  2. To clarify, a maternity house would be where woman/girls that are pregnant could go so they aren't pressured to abort, get away from abuse, and/or help to get back on there feet???

  3. Maternity????

    Babies Is Me

    The Shoe (there was an old lady who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn't know what to do)

    Lady Madonna's House

  4. Tomball has ......


    Austin has

    Breathe of LIFE...........

  5. Kirsten suggested....

    Right to LIVE!!!

    Way to go Kiss!

  6. I am touring a house next week.....
    I will have more details after that.

    For now.....all I know is that....

    it will be in Conroe,

    to qualify you must ......

    be unable to live with your parents

    and be off of all drugs..

    Crack babies will need to go to a hospital....etc.....

    I do not have any other details except...i would like the name to represent what it is for....


    I would like to eventually be able to network with adoption agencies..

    PACN.......and other PRO LIFE organizations....

    Isn't this EXCITING!!!!!

  7. R2 is such a big big boy....

  8. These are my suggestions for Eva

    Maternal Haven ( this one sounds like eternal heaven)
    Poochy Mamas
    Roo and Kanga's
    Sugar and Puppy dog tails
    Oops! I did it again home

    The last one is in honor or Britney Spears.-G

  9. HaPPy birthday to you
    HaPPy birthday to you

    HaPPy birthday dear -----
    HaPPy birthday to you!

    Now yall can guess who's birthday it is...-G

  10. YOURS? Maybe it is another BLOGGEROO?

    Beth C? Linda B? Brittany Spears?

  11. VKG- this is really great that you're considering doing a home. I now the Lord will use you as a huge blessing!

  12. Not me but someone very close to me, (literally!) maybe you can guess.
    Also G we need a certain picture alleged to be on little Bobby's My Space. Think you could help? I would like a copy! Mama


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