
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Writing for green

I was reading a book last night about getting published. It's called Writer Mama... looks interesting. It's pretty practical, but it's written by a mom of one... I don't mean to be disrespectful... some people I'm related to had their hands crazy full with just one, not naming any names, or cats.
But she talks about having an off-limits work area, and kid-free time... and I'm like, wait....

Anyway, everything I read suggests pitching ideas to magazines first, and I'm all lame like... man, I don't know non-fiction! And then I think doy, I write non-fiction every day here on the old blog... I don't think it's journalism or anything, but I've been priming the pump for about 3 years... oughta be something to write about.

Do you know, writing for cash would be like a dream...

It's another one of those things, though. Something I dream about and poke at, but never really embrace because I don't really think I could handle it.
Like kids. I have three. And most days I am so overwhelmed and exhausted... I wonder if all moms feel this way or if I am missing something. But even with the insanity, I want more kids someday. (don't hyperventilate, I'm talking about adopting)

I just need to figure out how to be "the joyful mother of children".

So writing is like that. If I sold something, and then I was dealing with pressure and deadlines, would I hate it? I wonder. Definitely thinking about trying it, regardless.


  1. Just write the same stuff you write here every day. Think Erma. She was a joy, nuts of course,but very successful. You are overwhelmed justifiably because you have children who are trying to drive you nuts. This is a plot devised by little children and often works, taking the example you furtively mentioned who is now certifiable due to a cat.Just wait till they get 13 and then THEY are nuts. So the combo produces artists, writers,musicians and video guys.mama who is nuts

  2. erma is an inspiration, to be sure. i was reading Aunt Erma's Cope Book the other day

  3. You have a gift Jess......so use it!

    Do it......

    Does Readers Digest still exist?

  4. Jessica,

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading your blog. I think you should do it! You could even create a blog with "motherly insights" and get some of these toy, diaper, or other such companies to pay you to advertise on your blog!! OY!! NOW, that would be cool wouldn't it? You could be like Dear Abby, only for kiddos and parents. You are a great writer, and it would be an absolute shame and the world would be missing out on being blessed by your gift! In the words of Nike....Just DO IT!!

    Aunt Tammy

  5. I can see it now..........

    A nice hard-back entitled

    "The Grass is always GREENER on the other side of the LAUNDRY mountain"

    Written by Jerma Clarkbeck

  6. Maybe you should do exactly what you are thinking about doing.....

    Submit some of your blog entries as short stories to magazines.....Parents Magazine.....Charisma.....

    Geeks R us.......Guideposts.....Readers Digest...

    Home and Garden....

    and then your first Book could be a collaboration of all those blog entries......

  7. I seriously dropped another light-bulb.....

    Dad Gummit.......Home Condemned from consistent Mercury exposure......

  8. Bare with me I am working on a photo change...

  9. No obviously not... I will try again...

  10. Ok I think I got it now. Not the photo I wanted but the other one wouldn't work so this will do for now....

  11. Ok now that I have that fixed.. I think it would be great if you started writing. And I think you could do non-fiction you have a great imagination and plenty of real life experiences to pull from. Just change the names and you are good to go. You can imagine up your own alter ego to write about!

    I have always had a desire to write myself and I did come close to having something published before but I had to much fear. I don't understand enough or remember enough about grammar rules and such.

  12. She is so pretty.....She looks like a


    Christian Movie with Kirk Cameron promoting MARRIAGE and comparing it to Christ and His Church..

    Opening Sept 26th.......

  13. Jerma Clarkbeck?

    ...I love it-G

    Someone at work the other day called me G. I said where did you get that? She just made it up...

    I told her there are a whole group of people that call me G, that's funny that she picked that up
    without knowing.

    ( Snake in Grass category has expanded to include another blond haired snake.)

    That was code for VKG.
    VERY SECRET, You know those spy types. They keep you on your toes.

  14. Hey G---

    CB and now DW?

    Is that all......? Who else....


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