
Thursday, July 31, 2008

I was going to write about needing a haircut. But honestly, do you care? I didn't think so. SO I will go all alone and get my haircut and then I will probably tell you about it. What cut I decided on, and if I went to Great Clips and just took a chance, or went WAY cheaper and spent 5 hours at the beauty college letting a student destroy my hair and then the instructor could fix it with a really good cut. You may or may not see that financial constraints are the issue here.
Well, kind of. Really, though, even if I was a gazillionaire, I don't know if I could handle paying the big bucks at a salon. Anyways.

There is a good possibility I will be fasting le blog next week, so here's a shot at a Smartypants column.

Ms. Smartypants is eager to answer your romance, political, socio-economical, or etiquette questions! Submit your questions today, and if the muse strikes, she will answer at least one tomorrow
(some Smartypants archives here and here)


  1. Ms. Smartypants,

    Since we just purchased a home and are expecting our 2nd child in November, should I increase my life insurance amount?

  2. Dear Ms. Smartypants,

    Since i'm leaving my current career path for something more eternally beneficial, do you have any suggestions?

    I already know i want to have a garden, but i don't know how eternal that is.

    Your thoughts?

  3. dear ms smartyPants

    Should I soak my beans over night or just cook them?

  4. Smartypants,

    If you feel like you are going to throw up, is it better to go for a run and try to rid yourself of toxins? Or is there a better method?-G

  5. Happy Clam?

    Since i'm leaving my current career path for something more eternally beneficial, do you have any suggestions?

    What the?...

    Are you going to see Jesus????!!!!-G

  6. MSP

    IF someone were to want a haircut and basically... well... have not much hair, what would you recommend?-G

    Sort of like the cucumber in the hairbrush song by veggie tales.

  7. Everybody

    I am open to anyone answering my smartypants questions.-G

  8. Earl and Bob, both obsessed with baseball, never missed their favorite team’s game. They promised, whoever died first, and went to heaven, would come back to earth and tell the other if there was baseball in heaven. One day, Earl died. Bob waited for him to come back. Finally Earl did. He said to Bob. "I have good news and bad news. I'll tell you the good news first. There is baseball in heaven." Bob said, "That’s the best news!" Then Earl said, time for the bad news....”You're pitching tomorrow night."

  9. Good one, Josh-G

  10. G-whenever I feel like that...it stays with me and with me......

    If I take care of it......I feel so much better......and can move on...unless I have the flu or something.....

  11. When Richard and Robert cut their hair SHORT it looked better than growing it long.....

    I think if it were ME.....I would cut my hair...3 inches all over my head........it would appear fuller and it wouldn't be so obvious....

    My oppinion.....

    But I am NOT the famous ms sp

  12. I cannot wait to hear about these beans.....What do you think about beans G????

  13. I think the beans woman knows the answer. She is just baiting MS SP.-G

  14. Ms Smartypants- In the prayer room, whenever people sit down next to me, they always have really atrocious breath and sit way too close. What is the proper etiquette for dealing with these issues?

  15. my solution is to place a tiny dab of peppermint oil in thine own nozzrels prior to entering such holy sanctuaries...

  16. keep altoid tin in chair next to you....leave it open and inviting and SHARE

  17. I believe the questions are addressed to Mrs. Smartypants, not her fans. -

    Smartypants PR rep

  18. Why can't I get a girl friend?

  19. Dear Ms SP-PR rep....

    SORRY......you are absolutely correct.....

    Georgia gave me the green light to open my big mouth and I thought that meant that EVERYONE needed my opinion.....

    I am not MS SP but I do claim to be a know it all MIL
    and you know how those people are.....


  20. Ms Smarty Pants.....

    To pre-soak or not pre-soak..that is the question.

    I do not know that answer... the beans turn out dark brown or light brown depending on which way you do them...but is their any other reason to do one or the other.?

    G-do YOU know?

  21. I think the whole SP pr rep dept consists of Toby and Buds.-G

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


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