
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Along the road


Not a lot to talk about today... I am toying with the idea of NOT unpacking our suitcases... since we're leaving for Texas on Saturday.... I mean, I'll just have to pack again. The same clothes. But the temptation of the full suitcase tempts Toby beyond resistance.. it is continually ransacked. My normal "put it up high" approach is possible, but the climbing! Oy vey.

Today I went to Walmart... had the oil changed on the van, and spent the cursory hour strolling and making impulse purchases (like yogurt, no budget for REAL impulse purchases)... I chose an adorable tiny pair of pink sandals for Bean... we had them through the dairy section... I saw them when I picked out the bacon... they were there when I got the avocados. But alas, they did not make it to the register. Somewhere, probably by the bananas, there is a pair of size 2 sandals ... they are so cute. And now they lie discarded... another time, we tried to buy a cheery green colander. It was worn as a hat throughout the store. Same story. I never saw it go. Ah well, another time.

I got a haircut. At first I hated it, so she kept cutting. Now, it's tolerable. Definitely not loving it. But it's short and blonde, so that's entertaining.

Like I said, folks... not exciting. Peace.

OH! And the Idol finale is tonight! WAHOO! And may the best David win!!


  1. I think Bean is Hannah's baby. Jess do you have something to tell us?-G

  2. I do resemble a Crouse meself....

  3. I watched AI tonight! Live..no recording...that was kool....

    I have to say.......

    David could have chosen better songs to show off his awesome let loose style......

    but David did GREAT!

    I think we have our next AI....

    It is a no brainer.......

  4. "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." -- Groucho Marx

  5. Go David GO!

    Is AI on at 7p tonight or 8p?

    I predict DAVID as the new American Idol!

    Yippeeeeeeeeee DAVID!

    Way to gooooooo........

    David! David! David!

  6. That Groucho Marx quote is right on.

  7. bethc is exasperating with these quotes


    its the truth

    but continue on

    im sure some must love it

    beth is not exasperating
    the quotes are
    to make this perfectly clear

    (whoever bethc is) :-)

  8. to know me is to love me (and my quotes)

  9. I know and love Beth, and her quotes

  10. Most of Beth’s quotes are good. Most people like quotes from others, gives you something to think about.

  11. I like the quotes. I can take you on...-G

  12. i know and love Beth TOO!

    I like the quotes..unless they are waaaaay over my head...

    much like Beth........


    i love you bethc


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