
Friday, May 2, 2008


I toy with being SuperMom, but sometimes I just want a nanny and a nap. I don't know how single parents do it.. I need a second adult around here or I just start getting MEAN. I end up just like them, saying Mine! about my sandwich and pushing and arguing. Sheesh. 

This conference has started here at the Thunder School. It is consuming 115% of the MOG's time and I am tired and grumpy. I'm fine. I just need some chocolate and a little alone time. 



  1. Anyways, to conclude, I love ya love ya love ya. Talk to you later.
    love, Mama

  2. I love you too! Phone died...

  3. Hey Jess did you know a big tornado hit KC today?

  4. wow! it said 17,000 are without power. imagine how grumpy you'd be right now if you were feeling this way AND without power! =)

  5. you can have the chocolate, but you will never have alone time again


  6. Unless SuperGramma or SuperBedste come to the rescue and grab all the munchkins for a very short spell.

    What a wonderful happy perfect weather breezy fantastic green pleasant glorious day!

  7. We are making an offer on this house Monday. We looked at it today. Absolutely beautiful inside and out, great yard, and many updates remodeled.

  8. This is what sisters are for. Those kinda days.-G

  9. I had some chocolate today. It melted in the car and I didn't get to eat it.

  10. Chocolate rescue remedy....

    Stick Melted Chocolate still in wrapper in FREEZER for one hour..
    then peel.....


  11. great house josh
    hope you guys get it

  12. mr. slim... if we guess correct, will you tell us?

    I think your John Allen!

  13. I have asked him that before. He is soooo much like John Allen, but he says no.-G

    Ok, Mr Slim, you were asked straight out?-G

  14. john no longer qualifies as "skinny" which was one of the clues. It is Paul because he can make witty and wordy comments that no one expects

  15. Mr Slim said he had not been to a service with me, so that disqualifies Paul and everyone at TFH.-G

    He said he was there with me once when there was no service.

  16. Mr. Slim

    Have you ever been inside my house?-G

  17. mr. slim
    how many kids you got?

  18. I am not John Allen.

    G is correct, I have never been to a service at TFH when she was there. I have been to many services at CTK when she was there.

    G- Have I been inside your home? I have never been inside your current home. I think I may have briefly been in a prior residence of yours, but I could be mistaken.

    Beth- I have 1 kido.

  19. why is mr. slim NOT Josheroo? could he be?

  20. Mr Slim

    How old are you?-G


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