
Friday, May 30, 2008

This conference is awesome. Think "flag lady" on speed. As in, the ladies who wave beautiful flags at church... but these suckers are 10-12 feet tall or something. And their bearers take it seriously. I have an inner imp... (it's not a demon) that just sees humor in everything, so I'm having a blast. 

I don't think there's anything funnier than people who take themselves seriously. 

Anyway, despite my impishness, it's a powerful conference and God is moving. I am currently holed up in the hotel with the wee ones, who are gorging on the gift basket we got... fruit, nuts, power bars. Toby on a Power Bar might not be a great idea. We shall see.


  1. I have been to those conferences I know exactly what you mean about the flags!

    I love Laura Allison she is so sweet. And she is not afraid to go way out there and do whatever she feels the Lord is telling her to do.

  2. Toby on a Power Bar.... some people could get hurt.

  3. I love Toby


  4. fantastic Sunday evening with the Radiants, fabulousio!


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