
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It has come to my attention... there is some concern out there that I may be wasting away to nothing. Not so. I was dieting and working out for the bridesmaid dress, and I met my goal. Which is about a size 6. For a 5-footer, that's far from skeletal. Just in case you were worried. 

In other news, no real news. Hung with the Clarks last night,  my sisters this morning, and the mommies for lunch. I then went to a thrift store and Toby acted bad, so we came straight home and he is now taking a nap. Sheesh. I think I need a nap, too.

Tonight is the memorial service for Juan... it will simultaneously be sad, and a celebration of his life. More about that tomorrow.


  1. Someone please invite Jess to be a bridesmaid
    5 popsicles today! - Richy

  2. Man, she's really been packin' it on lately...

  3. we noticed that you were getting some guns on ya. keep up the good work


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