
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

turn off-a the bubble machine

I freely admit, I am a bubble-bath-er. Some people smoke pot to relax, some people rip off convenience stores. Me, I immerse. I typically buy some kid bubble bath (Elmo, for example) because it has more bubble power and it smells good. Oh, and it's WAY cheaper. Somebody else who lives here could buy me expensive bubble bath, like, oh, I don't know, raspberry from Bath and Body Works. In the shopping center with Target. Over by Starbucks. But I don't usually buy that kind for myself. Anyway.

Last night R2 decided to pour an entire jug of bubble bath into his bathwater. Why? Who knows... the workings of his mind are unsearchable. I walked by and saw the jug floating in the hot pink sea. The strawberry scented sea...

I cried out with a loud voice, but the damage was done. So I thought, "Well. I guess he'll just get really clean". The water was already off, and I did not foresee further bubbl-age. Except the excited flapping of the hands.... for an extended period of time (the boy likes his bath) created a fortress of bubbles... when I walked in there for the ceremonial washing of the hair, I was taken aback. Wow. LOT of bubbles. I let all the water out in hopes the bubbles would subside.

During the draining of the tub, I went back in my room and watched the opening of American Idol. Toby danced wildly during the credits, and then kinda disappeared on me. A second later, I came running at the sound of panicked screaming from the bathroom. Evidently, Adventure Toby had lost his balance and taken a header into the bubbles. I gotta tell you and CPS... I did not get him out immediately. Oh no. I called the spouse and pictures were taken... as soon as I wiped the bubbles off, he was gone, back to Idol.

So, I washed R2's hair and made him get out, much to his disgust, as there was still a mountain of bubbles to look at. But, all was forgiven once he realized Idol was on.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Speaking of Idol, I fear that my candidate will not win... David Cook (the rocker) didn't get great reviews last night. BUT, if my 5 texts count for anything, (and they don't) then he will be crowned the new American Idol tonight and get to sing a horrible, spectacularly bad song tonight.


  1. Wow, that there is a whole lot of bubbles. Funny.

  2. spectacular story - hc

  3. Now Jordin looks like a beautiful black princess........

    Tobias Bubbles Clark

  4. I was just sitting here making myself laugh thinking about how Keith would go nuts playing in that much bubbles. I'm tempted to create it just to see his reaction.

    And, yes, as HC said, great story.

  5. i love the bubbles story ! and cute pictures!!!

    i keep thinking Toby looks like he could be one of my babies....

    kinda reminds me of Hannah Bee

    when she was little -

    she had yellow hair...and the cutest expressions....

    up too late

    gotta get LOTS done by Sunday night

    oh my
    oh my

    come home Jess!

  6. DavidCoolCooK
    gotta be related to mama (and all the talented kin) some way some how

  7. and I am a long term believer in bubbles included in a good bath. especially for tots and childrens
    great momentss for enjoyable memories

  8. That picture is adorable. I couldn't do bubble baths with Madison when she was little. She was allergic. I am hoping that little Trinity does not have ber allergy or skin problems!

    So I have been nearly bed ridden for a couple of days. I slipped and fell in some water at HEB. The baby is fine. But I pulled a muscle and it has made it hard for me to move around. Not that it wasn't hard enough already because I am the size of a house. It is starting to get better.

    Pam I don't know if you will have time to check back in but I am praying for you and yours. I know how stressful those last couple of days can be. This time last year I was running like a chicken with my head cut off. It was madness. And then all your relatives show up! Hope all is well!

  9. Jennifer- glad you and the baby are ok!

  10. gotta tell ya jess i was totally cheering for the other david archuleta was it? he seems sooo sweet and his voice is insane! i think his disruptive dad may have cost him the win! but im sure he's already signed a milliondollar contract somewhere soo i wont mourn too long 4 him he'll def. be heard from again!


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