
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eight years

I realized pretty quickly after posting yesterday that I had failed to blog about my dad. In my defense,  I thought it was April 29th. I even wrote that date on stuff. I am date-challenged.

Anyhoo. Yesterday was the 8 year anniversary of my dad's death. It's interesting how time changes grief. I miss him now... I hurt for my children not knowing him. I know he would have LOVED them and thrown them into the couch and hit them in the head with wrapping paper rolls and just threatened them and insulted them in general. The good thing is that Richy and I learned all that. So we can't do it the same, but we do it. 
And I feel sad for my mom, charging forward sans her other half. So I'm sad, but I'm not really grieving anymore... you know? 
And I wonder what it would be like, if he was still here. I wish he was. On the other hand, he went out relatively young and beautiful, which he always joked about. 

So I've been thinking about him... and marveling at how life goes on. 

Note: If you have my blog in heaven, on your supercomputer... I love you and I miss you. 


  1. Yeah, we talked about it yesterday...eight years...man, crazy. That's how long we've been here now...

  2. I often wonder whether we would have worked on "work" projects together...I was just getting into film and video production at that time and we never really discussed it. Obviously the ministry co-labouring would have been endless...

  3. Happy- I understand you point. Here are some hints:

    I'm a skinny guy- that will rule out some that you all have guessed.

    I was around since before Cal Stanley died.

    Remember, if you have a guess, you just have to give why you think I am that person to get a answer out of me.

  4. Jess...your post brought a tear to my eyes.....

    He was a very wonderful man.....and he still is...

    He fathered the fatherless......

    very very well...he loved them and showed it...

  5. i miss the ol' guy. the braincrushing, the recorded death threats on audio tapes, the running away from him for mine and mikey's dear lives, the post it notes that said a pleasant "I will find you, and destroy you" at just the right moment when you were down. I want to learn stuff the way he learned it: through scanning roughly through books and picking stuff up in a very small time.
    'Super'computer? No no no...
    for we are more than supercomputers through Christ.
    That's what I understand through it all anyway. Luv ya jess, y'all come back now ya hear?!

  6. He sure would've loved playing with your kids. I can almost imagine it.

  7. I know that he is a part of that great cloud of witnesses and loves every one of you with a perfect love. Thanks for all your precious memories.

  8. That was me the mom.

  9. I had to get in on this one. I of course miss him too. I think of how he would have bounced Kai and wowed Nini, adored Bean and hassled Toby and taught R2 and just spread assorted lies throughout the grown grandkids lives. I miss that. There will never be another one like him. My turn to cry-G

  10. Ooops! I forgot these.

    Hung Issac upside down
    and told Connor how to spit.-G

  11. Cal knew exactly how to keep the fun going. Solid and huggable all at the same time.

    Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

    James Bryant Conant (1893-1978)
    Chemist and educator


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