oot and aboot
My plan was to stay in today. There was an obscene amount of dirty dishes and meal-debris on the floor... and general house-ly...
+My plan was to stay in today. There was an obscene amount of dirty dishes and meal-debris on the floor... and general house-ly...
+Today, I took on Nashville and went to get the boys haircuts. First, I made a plan using Google Maps... then off we...
+I sit here in a sleepy haze. Up too late, up too early. Just took a nap. Nothing to say. Ho-hum....
+We are safely (well, relatively safely) ensconced in our apartment in Nashville... we arrived last night - took us 9 or 10 hours,...
+The MOG graduated from his class today. While they were having their celebratory potluck, I was at the DMV. The amount of violent...
+The big news... Bean now has pierced ears! How barbaric, you say. You should just get a Barbie. Ah, whatever. It is just...
+I toyed with the idea of going on strike today, to protest low comment-age. But I wasn't sure if anyone would notice. So...
+R2 had a neurologist appointment today... scheduled months in advance because the clinic is so busy. So off we went at 10 ish...
+Sorry about the late blog. For once, it is not my fault. Well, it kind of is, because I forgot to pay the...
+Directly on the heels of sickness 1, I have developed sickness 2. This one does not involve vomit... hallelujah. This is more of...
+Let me start by saying that Brynn has never really slept through the night. EVER. And she's almost 14 months old.... and before...
+I was going to post some pictures today, but in technology's eternal battle to destroy me, every rechargeable battery in the house is...
+Off to Alabama... for the Call Saturday and a mini-vacation Friday and Sunday. I'm sure I will miss my kids terribly, but I'm...
+I toyed with the whole, " Surprise! I'm PREGNANT!" idea today, it being April 1st and all. But I can't put my aged...