
Monday, May 28, 2007

Taking 40 days to fast media and pray for the nation, but mostly to pray for myself. As I go, so goes the nation.

Anyhoo, see ya in July!


and new pics on CFP


  1. psa
    i changed my pic

  2. Okay...so I waited for the surprise ending at the end of your Toby-dance video...but it never came. Man.

    See you in 40 days!

  3. Gaelic PHRASE:
    Ta an aimsir go halainn inniu

    taw an eyeim-shur guh haul-inn inn-you

    The weather is beautiful today

  4. Ms Smartypants

    I know you are on ramadan or something, but I need some help. Maybe your faithful readers can help me.

    I was at the country club yesterday just happily swimming when Ashley came up to me and said " Oh, I love that peach bathing suit." I was horrified. My bathing suit is magenta! I slapped her and she slapped me back. We were thrown out the first time for a Cameron to be thrown out in thirty years.( Thirty two years ago, my uncle Robert was thrown out for being accidentally black) My father took away the miata and I have to drive his black bmw. What am I going to do? Now Ashley wants to come over. I hate her hate her hate her. Wonder what she wants. Tell me what to do?

  5. That was ThrownoutinPantherCreek

  6. G- AK47... that's all I got to say.

  7. I want to puke.

  8. Man, no blog till July, whatever shall we do??? Ok quick update before I leave work. Wedding was awesome, honeymoon was a blast, rode alot of roller coasters, and ate our way around Orlando. Now trying to get settled into apt. Hope everyone is doing well! I am praying that this fast brings the breakthrough that Jess is looking for. We serve an awesome God, I know he will not dissapoint. I pray that he manifest himself in a whole new way and blows her mind!

  9. Jennifer- glad the wedding went good and you had a great honeymoon! Did you go to Disney?

  10. Josh the honeymoon was alot of fun. We did not go to disney we went to Universal Studios I am glad we decided against disney. We did not know until we got there that it was gay days at disney. Universal was fun though they have great roller coasters and 3d stuff.

  11. Hey Josh if you are interested send me an email. and I will give you the info of how to look up the pictures for the wedding off of Angie's website. My email address is jennifer.henry@hotmail.com

  12. Cool, I'll email you from home this evening.

  13. josh has coolest pix of him & son

  14. Jennifer- you've got mail.

    Anon- Thanks! It was my idea to have Shannon take a pic from behind us walking. I've seen those shots before and thought they were neat. Shannon took the pic good. It turned out a little dark, but I was able to adjust the brightness and contrast to make it better.

  15. Josh, I sent you an email with all the info on it. Enjoy!!!

  16. ok...

    for anyone who doesn't know...i now work at starbucks.

    and God is beginning SUCH incredible thigns there...

    it was Him that I got hired, and he's got me there for big things(I believe)

    the whole store is mega hungry for the Lord.

    so far I've found 2 other saved people there. One from the Vineyard church and the other from a non-denom/charismatic church down in Houston. Anywho...God's doing awesome awesome things

    I got to talk for a long time with a girl who's a lesbian...and she grew up in the charismatic church, mom is/was an evangelist...she grew up in kenneth copeland's church. Anyway...she's mega hungry for God.

    She prayed 2 weeks ago with her Mom that God would send something to her to prove that he's real and wants to know her...anyway, that equates to the DAY BEFORE I APPLIED!

    isn't this awesome?

    ok...long enough. Pray with me for these people...they're so hungry!

  17. Nathan are you working at the one in Conroe? I go there alot and know most of them. I have been talking to to Cherish she goes to the vineyard right? I am always trying to drip on them when I am in there. There are some really great people in there they just really need the Lord!!!!

  18. coffee?
    runny nose?

  19. drip?
    sounds scarey!
    i dont know if i would want u to drip on me.
    what u dripping?

  20. No I prefer to drip the love of God.


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