
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Man, yesterday was rough. It was like Mommy's Bad Ideas- Greatest Hits!
• Let's eat in the car!
• Let's go to the library during naptime!
• Let's let Toby fall asleep in the van so he will wake up as soon as we get home, creating the 10-minute nap syndrome!
• Let's put Toby in his bed hoping he will fall asleep!
• Let's put R2 in timeout so his shrill shrieking wakes up not just Toby, but Brynn! (and the saints in Christ)

and so on. yowza.

Anyway. Hopefully I can make better moves today.

I have to get saved. If that's news to you, you're not terribly observant. If that sounds mean to you, it's probably because I need to get saved.
Anyway. I will be joining all the peeps on the 40 day fast beginning Monday. Not food. I'm providing milk for a small village around here. But entertainment. Primarily the Internets. So the blog will be shutting down from May 27th until after the Call. Have you heard about the CALL? You should GO.

So, the enormously popular Ms. Smartypants column will be closing after just one week of publication. But it will resume, magically, when I return.

I'll be around till Monday, however.


  1. Sounds like you had a fun day? Wow 40 days no blog, you are going to make everyone fast with you!!!! Just in case nobody read my comment downstairs, I am in need of a nebulizer if anyone has one I can borrow please let me know today before I go out and buy one!!

  2. U can borrow ours!

  3. Really! Thank you so much!! I will call you later, I probably can come by and snatch it up before I got to our rehersal tonight!! Thanks again.

  4. saved healed delivered redeemed and all that!

    the fast is good like I was reading in the gospels where jesus says we are baptized and get new wine skins for the new wine...fasting is the way

    there are still plenty of hotels available for the call...listed on the website. but many have registration deadlines the first week of June.

  5. I'm in desperate need of a GOOD job...
    one that pays decent money...because I'm trying to move out...and without a good job, thats impossible.

    "any old job" isn't gonna cut it.

    anyone heard anything?

  6. i've heard that the only rooms left in Nashville are $200+ per night...

    so, if anyone wants to join our traveling "commune", i have reserved cabins for approx 50 persons... the kabins are only $75 per night!!! 4 people to a kabin...

    for 3 nights, it comes out to only $55 per person for the 3 night stay!!!
    need more details? let me know? my kabins are filling up!!!

    (the kabins are 12 minute's drive from the stadium...)

    we're going to have more than 50 people from the Montgomery County area represented at The Call, it seems!!!

  7. when does the fast "offically" start, jess? i thought it starts Monday... but i've been too busy to really analyze the calendar...

    please advise...

    also... i'm feeling impressed that somehow we need to band together in this fast...like...as in support each other some how...

    and with not being connected by the internet, how we gonna do it?

    i thought maybe we should have several homes open where we could have designated "prayer spots" where people could drop in between certain hours for prayer and worship? is that a good idea?

    like, i'm thinking we could open our house from 7 - 9 on certain nights for those that live in this area... on any night that there's not already something going on...

    is there anyone in Conroe that would do the same?

    anyone in the Woodlands?

    anyone in Willis?

    i think we would need the encouragmeent of having designated places and times to meet and pray together....

    but, maybe i'm just "needy"...

    i know that fasting is very difficult in the busy world we all live in...

    what are your thouggts? SP?

  8. YES definitely a good idea mamapc:
    our house can be available for prayer during fast! about a mile from the west side of I45

    and our family of 3 are seriously considering driving to Nashville (i looked on the call website, and got the names of the hotels)and we may be wanting/needing one of those cabins


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