
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I've finally taken Richy's advice. And, in the words of the immortal Randy Jackson, I've made it my own, dawg.
That is, I have brought an end to Toyganza. Finis. Richy has been saying for a long time, get rid of all the toys! they don't even play with them! make me a sandwich! blah blah blah... oh! Anyway, he's wrong. They do play with them. Seek and destroy, nuclear explosion, tsunami, etc.
But I finally did it. They now have like (17384) trucks, and 3 or 4 other toys. It's working.

R2 has a sinus infection. He's doing nebulizer treatments and antibiotics. He was pretty alarmed about holding in the mouthpiece for the treatments, so I bought a gas-mask like apparatus. Now he sits and watches TV and breathes like Darth Vader. Toby is insanely jealous, especially of the Amoxiciilin. He tries to pull Richy's arm down while he's drinking it.

American Idol.... I watched last night live, but I won't see the results show until Thursday, so NO RESULT SPOILERS. Barry Gibb. And my Blakey stinking up the place. I fear for him. It was like suicide by BeeGee.


  1. I also have a darth vader at my house. She doesn't like the mouth thing. Madison had to go to the doc again today she had a rash all over. Dr. said it was fifth disease. I have no idea where they get it from but she is no longer contagious and it pretty much just consists of a rash and thats it. Poor thing, she just can't seem to stay well. I have to do the toy thing soon too. Madison has every toy she has ever owned it seem like it anyway. We have to seriously downsize. She is a pack rat.

  2. the darth vader image is pretty great.....also the antibiotic jealousy.....i'm laughing a lot.

    do you ever wonder why out of all the diseases, all of a sudden, they just give one of them a number?

    or is it just that 1,2,3, & 4 got cured way before us, and we've never heard of them?


  3. it's funny about the toys....i was just thinking about this today...when i was ten-ish, my family was moving. i don't remember why, but i am assuming that it was because we (meaning my parents) felt the leading of the Holy Spirit. but we were going to have to downsize everything we owned into a .... basically a horse trailer. So, we had a big garage/moving sale. And i had to sell a BUNCH of stuff. My parents said i could keep the money for the stuff that sold that was mine, and that made it more fun.

    The thing that stands out the most is the scripture my dad kept quoting about how God would replace with better whatever you gave up for the sake of the kingdom.

    And i was thinking about it today--how good that was for me. I learned to give up my material possessions - to a degree anyway - at a fairly early age. And i was able to use that ability later in life.

    I learned about where to place value - and it wasn't in my toys. =)

  4. Oh yeah, I watched that Blake video of You Gave Love a Bad Name. It was cute and all how he beat boxed, but he butchered the song… bad! I also don’t think he is a very good singer.

    We don’t watch AI (or any other TV), but Shannon’s parents do. I told them I watched the video. They also agreed that Blake isn’t a good singer and won’t make it much further.

  5. Shannon posted some recent sad news of ours last night on her blog- here

  6. Consumer Reports:
    loves the MacBook Pro.
    It got far and away the best ratings among reviewed laptops, but it’s also the most expensive.

    Dell Inspiron E1505 is in the middle of the pack;
    their best “value” laptop was the Toshiba Satellite A135-S4427.

  7. Thanks for the info Beth, I believe I will be in the market for a laptop soon. I have no idea what to get. I looked at the Mac book but they are expensive. But I guess it is worth it if you never have any real problems with it. I will probably need to take along a computer pro! I want to get wireless internet and a laptop so I am not tied down to any one location!

  8. So is everybody coming to the party Saturday???????????

  9. Saturday is gonna be awesome!
    wedding parties ROCK!

  10. macbook pro = expensive

    standard macbook = not so bad

  11. ok 11:30 am jess not here
    no new posting
    let's tell her AI results
    that'll show her

  12. ..........1:30 tape will be on porch.....

  13. MOG jumped up on a chair Tuesday..

    during his message.........

    and I really expected him to sing out "Livin on a PRAYER"!

    He is getting pretty good and jumping up on tables too from what I hear.

    One of the things that MOG preached about was God taking away our toys......for a season.

    He was reading my mail....as usual.

    Computer DIED


    All my precious baby pics.....


    Digital Camera, with out pooter...

    out of commision...

    IPOD shuffle.....can't recharge battery.....without computer..

    All my toys........

    I am listening GOD.......

    Maybe HE is also converting me to a MAC through all of this.


  14. and that goes back to the 17,875 trucks and toys that Toby and R2 have....more toys! more toys!
    including electronics!

    less is more....


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