
Friday, May 4, 2007

The Astros won. And it's a good thing, because I almost got hit by a car while we were walking to the stadium. Actually, I almost got hit by a massive SUV. Not cool. But, a giant coke, nachos, ice cream and 20 bucks later, it was all allright.

Richy's cousin is getting married this weekend.. and R2 is some kinda something. Flower boy or something. Anyhoo, he is going to be VERY adorable in his suit. Definitely need to get some pix of him and Graceson all gussied up.

Beyond tired today. And just when I was planning on becoming a productive member of society and cleaning my room! Maybe after a nap I can get back to thinking about productivity. Until then, nada.



  1. so the suv that almost hit you felt so bad that they gave you a 20? and bought you treats? they should've done that and MORE!

  2. No, the SUV just sped off into the night. The 20 was out of pocket expenses... but the tickets were free!

  3. Is butter better than margarine?
    Recent studies on the potential cholesterol-raising effects of TFA have raised public concern about the use of margarine and whether other options, including butter, might be a better choice. Some stick margarines contribute more TFA than unhydrogenated oils or other fats.

    Because butter is rich in both saturated fat and cholesterol, it's potentially a highly atherogenic food (a food that causes the arteries to be blocked). Most margarine is made from vegetable fat and provides no dietary cholesterol. The more liquid the margarine, i.e., tub or liquid forms, the less hydrogenated it is and the less TFA it contains.

  4. American Heart Association:
    Use soft margarine as a substitute for butter, and choose soft margarines (liquid or tub varieties) over harder stick forms. Look for ”0 g trans fat” on the Nutrition Facts label.

  5. Whats UP? A whole lota nada over here. Work = bored.
    I have a ton of stuff I could be doing wedding related and such. But no must sit here chained to my desk.
    Praise God for the internet or I might have sliped into a comma.

  6. Both margarine and butter are high in fat, so use both in moderation. From a dietary perspective, the major factor affecting blood cholesterol is how much saturated fat and trans fat is in the food. Limiting food high in saturated fat and trans fat may help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol. Most vegetable oils and soft or liquid margarines have less saturated and trans fat than the solid spreads have, and are preferable to the stick forms of margarine for a heart-healthy diet. When selecting a margarine, it's best to choose one that has “0 g trans fat” on the Nutrition Facts label.

    Remember that one change — like switching from butter to soft margarine — is a good step, but may not be enough to reduce your cholesterol to healthy levels.

  7. i know we already discussed this butter topic, but I go next week to get my cholestrol checked so I was looking for the REAL story...and of course this is the place to share my wealth of knowledge....

  8. somebody has a wedding shower this weekend....

  9. I wonder who that could be?

  10. Has anyone seen a doggie tux that would fit about a 2-3lb chihuahua?

  11. AHHHH, Twiddle would be so cute. Although I think that dog is bigger than he is. I was just kidding I don't think we can work him into the ceremony. Allthough he would make a cute ring bearer!!!

  12. that's a lie of the devil re: butter vs margarine

    that's exactly what the drug companies want you to believe so you will need their nasty cholesterol-lowering drugs that have nasty side effects so that you will need more of their nasty drugs to combat this and that and more of this

    eat natural, or as natural as our society can provide

    & pray pray pray

  13. drug companies own doctors
    doctors are becoming slaves to them

    what we need is the power of God to heal & be healed & continue in health

  14. I'm going to The Call!! Yay!!! ...Jess...Richy...is Radiant playing this time?

  15. Well, bummer. I decided to go re-look at the crazy horse wedding photos, and I didn't put up the really emotional photo of the bride seeing the horse (she looked aweful from all the crying), or the photo of the horse actually at the front. Oh well.

  16. agni go to mailg

  17. Believe me Ang, I was just kidding about the dog. I knew that would stir you up. I looked at the wedding photos that was slightly scary. Was that a barn? And this may be harsh but what was with that head piece? And to many 10 gallon hats for me. That guy in the middle looked like JR Ewing! I remember going to a big redneck hoe down wedding at the fair grounds once. They served homemade strawberry wine. Never seen so many dancing drunks in my life, and when they started playing "Baby got Back" and dancing like crazy I knew that was my cue to leave!!! Night all! I got to go catch some ZZZZ'S, which has not been easy lately.

    And maybe I am LSAT!!!!

  18. Okay, we need the 'anonymous' one to say EACH time who they are, if not signed in.. it's annoying to read your comments & not know who it is.. alright??

    Who spoke of the margarine lies?

  19. Ya, you butter say who you are!

  20. nanny nanny boo-boo!

  21. it was more fun typing my comments & having my photo come up automatically - now nothing

    and i'm not in the mood to sign up again elsewhere

    i shall remain anon

  22. rude, anon... who you bee???

    i thin it's vkg - but she not normally rude... so, hmmm...

    yes, it's gotta be her.....

    she's the only one normally up this early on a saturday..


    have a good day all!!!

  23. In anons defense, I don't think it's rude. In fact, I like having some anonomis around... keeps things interesting

  24. for some reason, the new Blogger is not saving cookies, I guess.
    Some PC type explain how to set up cookies and such

  25. ordan, in login trouble - wont remember me, provides a long forgotten link to Known Issues for the New Blogger: The “Remember Me” login option will not work, where we are advised, when configuring Internet Explorer, to

    ...add google.com to the list of allowed sites under Internet Options > Privacy.
    I wonder how many folks added "www.blogger.com", rather than "blogger.com", based upon the Firefox and Internet Explorer wizards
    Type the exact address of the website...
    I know that I become confused by that instruction.

    Now, the article The “Remember Me” login option will not work specifically mentions Internet Explorer V6 as a problem, and Firefox is implied to be free from this problem. The date of that article is 9/5/2006. Firefox V2, and Internet Explorer V7, came out almost 2 months later.

    FF V1.5 and IE V6, by and large, used "permit by default, deny on demand" security strategies. FF V2 and IE V7, on the other hand, use "deny by default, permit on demand" strategies, and are more likely to present a problem with incorrectly permitted cookies.

    In short, for both Firefox and Internet Explorer, check your Cookies permissions. Make sure that you are allowing "blogger.com", rather than "www.blogger.com", to add cookies to your computer.

  26. Yum, cookies.

    I run IE7 and it remembers me.

    It just works.

  27. The Mac types may have heard about the "Hack A Mac" contest a couple weeks ago in which a guy won $10k and a Mac Book Pro for finding a hole in Quicktime, and writing an exploit for it.

    I have the article saved a work, so I can't give you the link right now, but the guy that hacked the Mac was asked in an interview which he is finding to have better security, Vista or Mac OS X.

    He said Vista has better security overall. He's a real deal hacker and says Vista is more secure.

    Sorry Macers.

  28. Well... hum... Vista is more secure than windowsXP... and maybe harder to hack, because of all the previous hacks...
    !!!! most, if not all computer viruses are for the PC, and DO NOT AFFECT THE MAC AT ALL... thus the MAC is safer, and MUCH more trouble free... Believe me, I now work on a PC more than a MAC... I feel so dirty...

  29. LOL

    You are so funny.

    Do you feel like you have betrayed the MAC?

    I am surprised that the entire agency hasn't caved and converted to using only MACs.

    Wassup with that?

  30. The Lyric projectors were out at CTK today... the PC had a virus. hum...

  31. Maybe CTK should convert to MACs

  32. jess, the baby looked so beautissimo this a.m.

    she looks like a beautiful flower!!!

    so prim and propah
    a real eye-stoppah
    trill the flute and fife
    fragrant flower
    full of life!!!

  33. Wow they really think of everything don't they? I just love the name (Whizz Kid).

    Weeblock - Whizz Kid:

    For a picture - please go to: http://www.sozousa.com/images/large/WhizKidBlock.jpg

    Description of the product:
    A baby boy loves to take direct aim at you when being changed. But now you can protect yourself with Weeblock, a cup-like covering that you place between his legs at changing time. Underneath the super-soft 2-ply cotton jersey covering lies the secret weapon—a wee-wee absorbing sponge. Bright color combinations with embroidered icons give this utilitarian product a healthy dose of fun. And yes, the whole thing’s machine washable. Imported.

  34. Sonia- We heard of a product like that called a Pee Pee Teepee.

  35. what will theythink of next???

  36. The scary thing is someone told me they saw something like this being sold on eBay. Does that mean that someone is trying to sell a used one? Ewwwwwwwwwwww.

  37. surely not!

    good morning!!!!!

    wonder what Jess will speak of today???

  38. My guess is Weddings and Spidey!


  39. I can talk about weddings and spidey. I am in the major throws of wedding planning! And I saw spiderman last night. That is a long movie!

  40. anybody familiar with Billy Joel's song "We didn't start the fire" which is a fastpace-history-lesson song...?

    cityvideo.com has a nice Mac video of it.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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