
Monday, May 14, 2007

hold yer horses.... I'm working on something for le blog.


  1. I ain't got no horses to hold.. what now?

  2. If you did have horses, and you had to hold them this long, I bet the horses would be mad and your arms real tired!

  3. Yep, my horses dun run off - tired of being held. Dont blame 'em nun either.

  4. Ok for all yo peeps who helped or played at our party. I just wanted to give a shout out and say thanks! That last band was awesome, gotta love rappers! The guy was a pastor and he minister in the prison, they where really good. Mom and Dad want to have them back for an outreach. He is a prophet too. He prophecied over me and Matt while rapping. It was great! They are similar to P.O.D but they also sang regular worship music and added in the turn tables. I liked that alot. Ok anyways I wanted to thank Radiant, and Blankets for playing it was great! And to Blankets, thanks so much for playing Sonny & Cher I liked your version it was great. And your I Will Run tribute to The Father's House. Everybody loved that! You guys are great!!!! I am so blessed!!! Love you all and I know God is going to bless you, because Matt and I have been so blessed, there has got to be some overflow to you guys!!!

  5. Hey Jess!

    It is 5p..

    How long do we have to hold our equines?


  6. you might as well let em go... the project is stalled

  7. i was gonna say....must be pretty big

  8. Stalled? that is funny.....

    So it is ok to let the horses in their stalls and they can eat hay and relax and forget all the holding!

    Good Grief Jess.....it's not like you have anything else to do....

    Whats the problem?

  9. well, I was trying to edit a video to put up here. But I'm no good at it. And then I was coloring my hair with my mom for a long time. So there you go.

  10. FUN........are you blonde again?

    I bet you are blonde again......

    Linda is an expert on Blonde highlights/colors........

    YOU a blondie huh?

    Or.......did you go brunette like TOM CRUISE

  11. yes, lets all look like tom cruise
    he is very much one to look up to
    ugh *&%!gag sputter cough


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