
Monday, February 11, 2008

Videos de clark

I am also posting some new pictures over here.

there are two more videos to go here. myspace was linking to yukky stuff so I have to try to host them elsewhere.


  1. brrrrrrrrrrr! looks vewy cold!

  2. Very cute. Keith acts just like Toby, touching things and going, "dut, dut, dut." I could see us taking an identical video of Keith.

    Brynn looks very healthy and beautiful!

  3. Ooooooooo They are so so sweet.......

    Mommy.......are you out of vaseline for their little pink cheeks?

  4. Jessica........Brynn has changed.

    She is so pretty. She is more beautiful than ever.....

    R2 obviously misses Pink Panther...

  5. I'm too sexy for this blog

  6. I just noticed that the ticker at the bottom of you blog say Bean is 11 month 4 weeks and 2 days.

  7. everybody is speaking "bean" language

  8. Happy Birthday Bean! Grandma loves you!

    jess, I just gave Derrick Daddy's stuff to make copies. He is bringing the originals back to me shortly but it is so wonderful to see the legacy go on. An emotional moment... he wants to do Friend of a wounded heart. He couldn't remember how it went exactly because he was so young but he was in the audience watching. You never know about the little ones watching. May he be blessed with the anointing that Calvin had.

    I luv ya luv ya luv ya Mama


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