
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Castro has resigned. Or, is he dead? Time might tell. Maybe him and Osama have a nice cabana somewhere... or not.
His brother has taken the helm at the sprightly age of 76. No offense to my friends and family who have reached senior status, but uh, isn't that kind of old to start running a country? I'm just saying.
So Arafat and Hussein are gone, and probably Castro. These are historical days... I guess all days are historical, but these old-timers kicking the bucket is big news.
Who knows what the world will look like in 10 years... people I went to high school with will be eligible to run for President. Yikes. May God have mercy on our souls.

In other news, no news. Just chillin in the house with the wee folk, toying with productivity. Trying to get motivated to start dinner... but the MOG is fasting and the young gents would like pbjs as much or better than beef stroganoff. And so I blog.


  1. Oh come on Jess, you know Warner Phelps would make a great president.

  2. I mean I think old people are where it's at.If I can just remember where it's at. Mama

  3. In other exciting news (to me), Blu-Ray will now trump HDDVD as the hi-def format for consumers!

  4. Anyone interested in further details about the blue-ray and letting the rest of us know why this is such great news?

    I would like to know.

    What is the big deal and why are we praising God for it?


  5. It’s about high definition DVD formats. It matters to those that prefer one format over another. For those like me that buy one or two DVDs a year, doesn’t matter cause you’ll buy the one that has won now. Deciding on one format makes it easier for DVD player makers cause they only have to worry about being able to play one format. Usually competition is best for markets, but in this case deciding on one format is probably better.


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