
Friday, February 22, 2008


Another one of those days when technology comes back around and just bites you in the butt... figuratively speaking.
I captured a 3 minute video of Toby dancing to Toby Mac... it was perfect. And somehow I deleted it before it imported. I can hear my dad from heaven, "Technology? Sounds like user malfunction to me!"
Regardless, or irregardless if you prefer, it's gone. And I was going to post it here. Now I will have to catch him in that mood again and try to catch another jam session. Cest la vie.

It's Friday, finally. The MOG has a block of time at home today, althought thus far it has been spent praying in the basement. Deep praying, I suspect from the crease marks on his forehead. (In his defense, he was praying when I went down there a while ago)
I am now sequestered in my room. Bean is sleeping in here, R2 is chilling with Nemo and Toby is in his room, napping. Which includes scooting his bed around the room and falling down and screaming between short silences that are probably aborted nap attempts. Whatevs. The point is, I am, for some intents and purposes, alone. I should read. Good day.


  1. Man, Yall should see Eva today. She really looks diva-like. I mean American Idol has nothing on her. Yall got to see this. I think she is fishing....-G

  2. Hmmm... Who could she be fishing for. She mentioned something about a tiger. I mean I know a red-head, who needs another red-head... hmmm...

  3. I mean if he could stop driving a dirt truck long enough to look around and see what is going on around him.-G

  4. She looked good yesterday too. She has lost 8 pounds, maybe that is just Ugandan food.-G

  5. I think she is. I think she is on the prowl for a certain one.-G

  6. Who knows, I mean there is a certain fire-breathing feline who is alone....


  7. He would definitely like it in Denmark, or Uganda, or somewhere primitive and exciting. They have dirt needing to be hauled everywhere.-G

  8. but is he legally alone? I'm jist askin

  9. Lots of dirt across the world where there are orphanages.-G

  10. No, not legally, but hey he can fix that. She is certainly not interested in him anymore, she got someone else. He can be scripturally freed up.

  11. i never heard of a dirt shortage anywhere....

  12. Why do I have this feeling I am falling into a sinking pit of unscriptural thinking?-G

  13. I have to go back to work. I will talk to you again tonight.-G

  14. it's a tricky topic, one I bet Adversarial Anonimi has an opine on ;)

  15. I have 5 more minutes, anyway I do think there is not a dirt or orphanage shortage anywhere in the world.

  16. Where is the anon when I need him/her?-g

  17. Accountability, commitment, who's that about? That should get him started.

  18. but what if the other party is long gone?

  19. It's tricky. I mean, marriage and divorce and remarriage can be confusing. And enough godly people I know have been divorced and remarried that I can say I don't know the answers.

  20. OMG!

    LOOK what happens when I give G a break...

    O my Goodness!

    I have lost 8 entire pounds and I am a dad gum knock out...with a few pounds to go yet...but none the less a KNOCK OUT......

    I am not fishing or hunting...BUT
    I do have a matchmaker who already has it all worked out........

    I know that WHEN I get married it will be a MMOG SOLD OUT MISSIONARY type.......



  21. Did someone mention divorce? Devils!

  22. Don't worry Boss. I know what you really want.You need a tiger.-G

  23. LOL.........Back to the register with you.........

  24. Hey G I am sure the tiger is really going to appreciate all your efforts! But Jess is right divorce and remarriage is a sticky subject. I know I have been there. And if you really want some good info you should ask Mike Walsh he did a whole study on it very interesting stuff. But I think the tiger is ok and should go ahead and go through with it. He has suffered long enough.

  25. Awww... That makes my heart break the way you said that Jenn, I love the ole tiger and I want him to get the best in life.-G

  26. But anyway back to why I am on here. VKG said she is not answering her phone today. I wonder why, I mean could she have plans? Why doesn't she have time to talk to us? Aren't we interesting? Or maybe someone else is MORE interesting.

    Yeah, Boss, ok, back to the register before Liz runs away in horror.-G

  27. Have anyone of you been able to contact her today? HMmmmm... That makes me wonder....-G

  28. later back to the register with me...-G

  29. LOL........

    Babysitting my favorite Caleb and Jade is very exciting......

    You are so crazy!

    Love ya!

  30. Hey G--------BTW

    Wedding planned for Sept.....is that time enough?

  31. Let me check my schedule, is it a thurs fri or saturday?-G

  32. It must not be gonna rain today. Tiger can't haul dirt in the rain. So he stays home when it is raining.-G

  33. jess - have you been contacted about Clint & Shannon's new baby boy

  34. Saturday.........of course....

    what a silly Q

  35. what is a silly Q viking?

  36. did u hear that elmo wants to kill james


    even weirder

    cookie monster wants to eat batboy

  37. so, this floozy wants to know if you guys will continue to waste yore time watching idols on television, or will you confess, repent, turn, and begin to do what's important and PRAY!!!???

  38. I did hear about the homicidal elmo... and about hudson... is he still in the nicu?

  39. somebody say tig? - fbtig(thats fire breathing tiger for those of you in loma linda)

  40. hudson still in hospital but is expected to go home mon or tues

    you can view pix on shannons myspace

  41. whos the floozy?
    viking g????

  42. Wew!


    I go from being a respectable WOG to a floozy in 24 hours........WOW

  43. how the mighty have fallen

  44. le floozy is an anonimi. VKG is a respectable grandmother.

  45. that was me, and I stand by bedste-as-myself

  46. thanks Jess.....Love you too!

    Anonymy is sumtin else.......

    Happy Sunday

  47. Who is HUDSON...........I do not know how to myspace....

    SHANNON..who it hudson?

  48. vkg, hudson is schlooter's daughter's 3rd son, recently born... what a precious name for a precious baby....

  49. oooooooooo

    well, we had a great report@Church from Sharon .......

    He tested negative on some very important tests......

    See Sharon for more details..

    I just know it was great news.


  50. dont nobody want to talk to da tigah no more(sigh)?

  51. so vg is on the prowl????

    who's in her sights????

  52. where r the single men?

  53. They are ALL at CHURCH or in their prayer closets..........

  54. Yesterday was our 7th engagement anniversary. We celebrated by going to church, eating soup for lunch at home, playing Keith, going on a walk, and eating yummy raviolis for dinner. This is also known as a normal Sunday. We just enjoyed our family time.

  55. Here at Boeing, all eyes and ears are on the US Air Force right now. Any time now, they will announce the winner of an initial $40 billion contract to replace the Air Force’s aerial refueling tankers. The contract will later be worth as much as an another $80 billion. Boeing is up against a European competitor. The Boeing plane is superior to the European one, and it would be a crying shame for the US Air Force to allow these planes to be built by Europe.

    These tankers are really cool. They allow fighter jets and planes to stay in the air, refuel from a metal tube behind a modified 767, and stay in the air and run more missions. This saves a lot of time where the planes don’t have to land to refuel. Boeing built all of the current tankers the Air Force has. They are now aging and need to be replaced.

  56. those single men need to come out of hiding so vg can find one she likes

  57. or does she like one that drives a dirt truck

    im so confused

    oh my oh my

  58. the men's encounter was great, from reports i got!
    Godly men unite


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