
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

working from the mega-slow laptop on the mega-slow dial up... I am like a PC today. So I won't be uploading pics.

Brynn is up to 3 lbs 10 oz today! She's still on oxygen, but this is probably the last day. She really responded well to the blood she was given.
She is still having some episodes of bradycardia, where her heart rate really drops. Pray that she stops that. It makes me nervous, and it will make us have to stay longer.


  1. No comments yet?!


  2. she gained 11 oz in one week! Yeah!
    I'll pray for her heart rate.

    tomorrow Keith is 11 months!! wow..
    learning so much lately!

    my parents are coming for a visit tomorrow.. so nice to have them here & have fun with Keith.

  3. When things get tough with the baby. I have noticed that people will stop posting. I guess no one feels like being silly in those times.

  4. I'll be at your baby's shower! I love water!

  5. Georgia, I've noticed that people don't post when it's hard too.

    well, I guess we can count on Sponge Bob : D ha ha

  6. Brynn is fine Mommy and we are all praying....This too will pass. She is such a strong little Princess........

    She will SAIL right through this!


    My recorder missed the first hour of AI

    I forgot to adjust the DLT


    O well.....it was just the guys anyway....

    My clock is correct now so I will be able to record the important stuff Wed night!

  8. EVA SAID........

    I am anticipating all the great Beach Photos Jess.........

    I think I shall LOLLY GAGG@work a spell and allow you plenty of the much needed time to post all those cute pics.

    Did you try any footed sleepers on Brynny today? She is growing fast Jess......and making such progress.

  9. DadGUMMIT.......This computer is on its last leg.......It has one big foot already out the door.

    I wish I had 6 kids and 10 friends who all wanted to pitch in and get me a MAC for my 29th Bday!

    A little rain and thunder and now all this freezing up and hanging up and forcing me to click click click and now look.....I have to be anonymous

  10. I do not know how to delete anonymous posts....so Jessica will have to deal with it.


  11. 2nd biggest bummer of the day.....

    AI has woman on it too....so I really did mess up BIG.....

    No telling what we missed.

    Do they still do AI rewind?

    If you find out let me know and i will set timer for that too.......


  12. Hey........WHO all is going to the SHOWER?

    I know of 4 for sures....

    Casey (sister of Jan)

    Any one else ?

    Saturday noon-3ish.......FUN FUN FUN!

  13. BLAST! DADGUMMIT>.........Jess..

  14. tsk... language...

  15. hey if you find those 10 friends and 6 kids who like to buy people computers, please send them my sob story......my computer is so old and decrepit that we actually have to restart it between applications (sometimes more than once) so that it won't freeze up while trying to open.

  16. Beth......Bring your Servant Awesome Hubby with you and come to R2R........We have gobs of PC's for 10-25 dollars....all have been tested.....

    My prob is I have been told that every problem in the world will be solved once I have a MAC and I am convinced...

  17. Also....I have outgrown this computer....I have no more space to store pics or download any new programs..

    I am very very grateful for my emachine....it is wonderful and without it I would be lost.

    I do the itunes/podcasts.....
    GLOB....and check my email... and download pics and email them.

    If I email too many I kill the computer.......If a son comes over and download and upgrades in the name of helping me.......it kills the computer......If I try to do something new.........FORGET it.

    Whenever it is not happy.....it freezes up......looses whatever I was working on, or quadripple posts on the blog..or kicks me out and closes down....

    This computer is fantastic......

    It came from my favorite second born son, and it continues to serve its purpose....I am very very happy.........and appreciative

    My friend Robert Winkworth,,,, who is a geniouse and works in the computer field and also on computers for air traffic control and stuff....says that I have outgrown my pc.......

    My babies tell me I need a MAC....

    So I need a Mac and I have outgrown my PC....and .............
    it is the best month ever....


    A girl can dream....

  18. beautiful day today


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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