
Friday, March 23, 2007

reporting from the NICU... 4 lbs 6 oz! I think that's how big Toby was when we brought him home. He's about 90 pounds now. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But, man... he is solid.
I came up here at 5 this morning... I like mornings much better than nights. Then I came back home at 6 and slept till 8:30. Good stuff. If R2 would have been his usual sleepy self, it would have been later. But, noooooooo. He is in the hallway clapping at 8:30. So I'm awake, and more importantly, Toby is awake. The end.
So now I am up here for Brynn's 11:00 feeding... but her other feed started late so I am waiting a little.

She is still having quite a few a's & b's. (sigh) Well, she would only be 35 weeks today. Maybe I should cut her a break... she shouldn't even be born yet.



  1. First.
    Profound as usual.
    Naterade: http://www.nojetlag.com/
    too late now, but next time...

  2. Good mornin all. Glad to here Brynn is getting chubby! Sorry about the a's and b's but I just know she will be home before you know it. And Josh yes, I did have the winning bid on ebay so my dress is on its way!!!!

  3. Well, day three without Leah but with kids.
    Everything's normal...meaning Kai fell off the bed and busted his head and Anila got sick and threw up all over herself and her bed...pretty much standard fare...

    It wasn't that bad of a fight; hope she comes back soon...

  4. Nate-
    I hope she comes back, too. Best of luck.

  5. it's very comforting to know that all is normal while leah is away.
    maybe if you say sweet sentiments, she'll come back...

    brynn is doing amazing!

    cool, jennifer got THE dress

  6. Jenn- Cool, you got the dress. I always watch ebay auctions for the last 10 minutes it it’s something I really want. I’ve set my alarm for 2 AM before so I could get up and bet out the last minute bidders. I don’t remember what that was for.

    Nate- Good luck… you know women are unpredictable and crazy…. Good luck.

  7. I saw this on a marker board when I was in the shop yesterday, made me laugh:

    “Anything is possible when you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    And a pun for this fine Friday:

    I met some cult members who worshiped soup serving utensils. I said, 'Oh ye of ladle faith.'

  8. Oh, and check out the ulta-cute pic of Keith in my profile. Home made St. Patrick's Day pic.

  9. isn't there some software that gives ebay pros unfair advantage to automatically get the last second bid?

    i noticed how cute keith is lookin'

  10. nate-she may never return!

  11. Thanks guys I am very excited about my dress!!! I also got my ring on ebay. I told Matt when it is all over we will see how much stuff I ended up getting on ebay!

  12. ebay doesn't allow software that can put in "last minute" bids for you. They have software that you can create listings in, so you can automatically relist the same item when you have many of them to sell.

  13. Beth-
    You might be referring to auto-bid, which will enter a new bid for you if someone else exceeds your current bid, up to the maximum you want to bid...

  14. Yep, that's just placing your highest bid, which helps if you can't be around to watch it.

  15. Listening to some good ol DC Talk while working.

  16. the new toby mac reminds me of dc t...

  17. I got Aunna the new Toby Mac. They love those songs with his son on there True dog. I think I like the last one better though.

  18. The last cd is what I ment. Sometimes I go back and read my comments and wonder how I communicate at all. I made good grades in english...really I did! Maybe all the fasting is effecting my brain.

  19. Portable Sounds does sound more dc talkish. Diverse City was so good, it may be unbeatable. Diverse City will be an all time favorite for a while.

  20. Now listening to Shaded Red - Red Revolution


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