
Monday, March 19, 2007

What a great weekend! I'm sure you'd like to know all about it... but I forgot the power cable at home and the laptop, she are dying.

so I may go get the cord after lunch, but here's the synopsis
• 4 pounds!!
• the shower was a blast
• jonny lang rocked the house
• b is off the cannula again!

more later....


  1. First.
    Profound as usual...

  2. That is great news about baby Brynn. Four pounds? Awesome!
    Jonny Lang was incredibly enjoyable...very inspiring. I don't think Daniel has slept since the concert...he's just been practicing his guitar non-stop!

  3. where was the lang concert?

  4. man, I wonder who anonymous is...

  5. Cool deal, sounds good.

    Daniel's got soul, like Lang.

  6. "Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else."
    - Ogden Nash

  7. Lang and band played at the Verizon Theatre downtown...

  8. He was awesome......He puts such feeling and power in his guitar playing and his vocals..........

    and he is a spirit filled Christian taboot.

    It was the best non blood related concert I have even been to..

    Hearing the crowd scream "Lie to ME!" when all I wanted to hear was "I love you Lord" lyrics and all....or at least "Beautiful" or "Touch".....reminded me to pray for Jonny Lang.......He brings his past with him....everywhere he plays....the crowd cries for the old man......and he is NEW....

  9. Welcome home Crouses! (and Naterade)

  10. n8 - when did you go to Thailand and for how long did you stay and did you minister in the church of Prakhonchai?

  11. i tink sing sing is birthing her litter...

    i just knew they would be born while we were in thailand... the thailand cats would have babies...

    hmmm.. i suppose we could name them after ralph and annie, oong and fon... what do you think tron?

    the other day i laughed out loud at myself...because instead of calling natron THAT name... i shortened it to "ron"...

    the people in thailand called him "brian" many a time...

    then, they started calling him the Thai name nae-Tawn

    Jeremiah was called in Thai "Yella-mee"

    Han was Han-NAH

    jet lag will not catch us... in the Name of Jesus!!!

  12. What was Johns name and your name?


    I have missed you........

    How was it? Fantastic...I am sure.


  13. mornin, first day of spring (otherwise known as the vernal equinox)!

    cool, crouses r home!
    sowing and reaping in thailand:
    birthing (thai kittens at home), and even new names


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