
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Well. We graduated to the new room in the NICU... growers and feeders... nobody really is on meds or needs much help in there.
Which is awesome, but a MUCH smaller room and no internet access. Still, I hope it means we'll be going home soon. 3-4 weeks, I'm thinking.
Brynn was 2 lbs 15 oz yesterday. We should break the 3 pound barrier today!

Ah, and I got my hairs cut. I'll put a picture up soon. But for now, adieu.


  1. wow!!!


  2. Do you mean the 4 pound barrier?

  3. How much do they want her to weigh before she comes home? It was 4 pounds for my twins, but even at 4 pounds the doctors were a little reluctant.

  4. Since she was 2 lbs 14 oz yesterday, I think Jess meant she was 2 lbs 15 oz yesterday and should break 3 lbs today.

    Georgia- Did you see the snow pics you requested? Go to Shannon's blog... link on Jess' homepage.

  5. Brynny is 3 lbs today! Yipppeeee!

    Jess meant 2lbs 15 oz yesterday.

    She is growing and eating and getting more beautiful every day.

  6. Jess... I'm still waiting for the hair.

  7. G- I didn't know you have/had twins... How many chittlins do you have??? Names please???

    Are there twins in both sides of your family, Jess? Eva???

  8. Jess -

    tell Richy and Anila a secret for me...

    Sing Sing IS expecting!!!

    And the daddy is SIAM...

    AND we're going to Thailand, which was formerly known as SIAM... and the babies will probably be born while we're gone!!!

    What kind of prophetic picture can you get outta that?????

  9. georgia, will you make me a boston creme pie when i get home???

    we'll be 11 days to/in/from Thailand... and i'm sure the curry will start to curdle...

    so, i'm gonna be ripe for a bostum cream pie!!!


  10. Twins are all over the place in both sides.......yes......

    How many times has sing sing been pg......seems like she has already had a litter right?

    Georgia has lots of kids.....

    Back when Mercy was born......they waited for her to be 5 lbs......she lived in her incubater for 2 months.....it was never called a ventilator....
    always been an incubator....

    then 11 short months later when Madison was born......she was sent home in 2 weeks and was just a 4 pounder........

    Now we have the little Princess Brynny and 3 pounds was the goal.
    It is amazing.....

    Her color and everything look so good.......She is a girly girl.

  11. sing sing never pg before... just THOUGHT she might be...

    how long before cats hatch their young?

    3 months, i think...

    so, we should have more siamezies within a few weeks..

    ya want one???

    i need to hear everyone say they'll take one... so that my neighbor and animal lover will know that they are all spoken for...

  12. Enoch wants one.........

    Cats are prgnt for 60 days....
    if I remmember correctly.

  13. I would like for my two little men to accompany me on my personal errands today.......We will be picking up supplies for PBJ (Jiff&Jelly)and H2O ect....and then they will be goofing off/hanging out, while deep cleaning is happening all around them.....mixed with some outdoor activities, either walking or just playing....with Knock Knock......

    What do you say Mama?

  14. Yes!!! That sounds great! I will have them ready for you... what time are you coming??


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