
Friday, February 2, 2007

Well... Kai is sick today, so the boys are home with me. I feel bad for Bubba... but I am glad to have my munchkins back.

No real blogging today. We broke Richy's power supply so there is no laptop. And I can't sit up to type on the G5 for more than a minute.
So party on, dudes. Happy Friday.


  1. keep the fruit on the table

  2. name the 6 nutrients needed everyday:

  3. 1.steak
    5.macaroni and cheese
    6.iced tea

    what do I win?

  4. 1. cheese
    2. pasta
    3. chocolate
    4. salt
    5. coke
    6. water

  5. this is a real happening place

  6. protein
    whole grains

  7. water
    you can do it!

  8. WOW

    THIS might be a new record....of the smallest postings in the last 2 years..........

    Might as well call it now........


  9. Get thee behind me...

  10. are ya'll tired of pumpkin pie yet???

  11. Never get tired of pumpkin.

    Dairy Queen still has pumpkin pie blizzards and I also wanted to stop and get one on the way home last week, but forgot to.

  12. I AM tired of Pumpkin Pie......

    Thanksgiving is GONE!

    Where is the Valentine Cupcakes or dozen red roses.

    Happy Birthday Jan SCOTT......

    SHE IS finally 39 years old....

    She has been 38 for a long long time.

    At least she isn't suffering from 70itus.......and lack of vision.

    Happy Saturday...Jade and Caleb are watching BAMBI waiting on Bedste's Oatmeal.....We sang Old McD had a farm all morning......thinking of animals......that was fun.

    Happy Birthday adn Happy Tea Party and Happy Saturday!

  13. I have to say, that valentimes day is the nastiest tasting holiday. Nothing about it tastes good! Expensive chocolates that end up with one bite out of them, because they're gross. Suckers with cheap cherry flavoring...and red things just aren't appetizing.

    Now pumpkin pie is good stuff....all year long!

  14. I love PUMPKIN pie with Cool Whip

    too much!

    But I would like to see MamaPC preciouse little face

  15. Nathan

    Valentines Day can be good...

    All in the way you look at it.

    There are heart-shaped pancakes, heart-shaped muffins, heart-shaped sandwiches, cakes, pizzas?.... etc...

    Just like all things... They can be redeemed.... Even if you don't like something, REDEEM it and make it Godly and holy.....

    Make Valentines Day a day where you recognize HIS LOVE FOR YOU!!! by sending you so much...and giving so much because He loved us so... hearts and flowers are good...and can be expressions of love from one friend to another...not just "romantic" love....

    romance fails... feelings wane... attractions come and go....

    but God's love remains... FOREVER AND FOREVER.... amen

    so - give a heart-shaped God-in-tine to someone...

    I think I shall do somehting like this for my friends at work... maybe some cookies...that say...

    God is Love
    or You are Loved... or something like that.... use it as a tool


    enough of my jabbering

    see you all at the tea...(women that is) and Jess - have a chai on me...


  16. That's pretty funny about V Day being a nasty tasting holiday.

    Shannon's is about to leave for a baby shower. I think Keith and I will go shoot BB guns or something.

  17. Was on Yahoo Messenger for over 2 hours with John Allen (and a little Val) last night. I creamed John at checkers online also.

  18. happy sabbath all!

  19. Is this the new blog?

  20. What happened to the Viking?

    Ooo no..........

    I do not like new things that I do not understand......

    I like to broaden my horizons..
    explore new territory.......

    but what is this!???

  21. How did you stay Harvy TERRI?

  22. I think you can sign in through your blogger account rather than your google account... that oughta fix it

  23. Did you get the part that you needed? I hope so......

    I know how much amusement you get out of the computer.......

    Makes time FLY......and thats what you need right now.....

  24. hello....am i still a piece of punkin' pie???

    we'll see when i push "publish"

    here goes!

  25. well, jess... what happened to me? i usually sign in here on your page...and i USED to be mama pc...but, it's taking me to an alter ego, mama pam...

    so, how do i get it back to mama pc?

  26. well now... that's weird... how did that happen >>>

  27. I don't know how it happened... seems like if you have a gmail addy, it will sign you in as that unless you specifically sign in with your Blogger ID

  28. so, i should frist go to my mama pc account, THEN, travel over to yours???


  29. owww...

    that hurts...

    i don't know if i can stand being pierced over and over repeatedly forever on here...

    better find another pic...

  30. how are you feeling, jess?

  31. here... this is more suitable...

  32. I feel fat, and out of breath, and kinda overly full from dinner. My head itches and I need to put lotion on my hands and feet.
    Other than that, oh, and I have a headache, other than that I feel great!

  33. don't sound too comfy...

    are you able to get in the shower??? or do you restrict yourself to "bedbaths"...

    or "spit baths"?

    a lot of us have been having weird allergy symptoms... headaches, itchy eyes, noses...

    can i get a witness???

  34. Yeah, I can do showers... they're great

  35. that redness of the red heart is truly red, aint it???

    laundry this weekend... it was time...

    sivad... i did n't see her today... maybe cause i didn't get to church til 1 p.m.

    i was "on call" and got called "in" at 10:30 (to be there by 11:15)...

    enjoyed being with the Tribe this afternoon...

    we were supposed to be OVER by 3 p.m., but we started praying for each other...started at 2:45 and the last "amen" was said at FOUR OCLOCK!!!

    a good time was had by all

    good night, Jessicaw

    good night all...

  36. oh, btw, what kinda QUILT pieces are ye making???

  37. and i hope to hear from kat tamale...

    it's about time she got back on heeyah

  38. they're squares, with diamonds in them... i may post a pic this week...

  39. cute boys...

    need a lil sis to sit with them...

    so they can bonk her on the head! (you know how boys are...)

    look forward to seeing your quilt square pics...

    i never could make a quilt cause i was too impatient...and never followed through... i like the idea, though...and have some started works... but, put them away for awhile... (years)

    i still have a baby shawl i was crocheting while pregnant with Lindsey... it's lacking only about 6-8 inches of being finished! but... i stopped crocheting 6 weeks before she was born because of nightly revival services... and working full time...so, by the time she was born...i forgot about it... it's still in my drawer of my dresser... not finished...and it's been TWENTY FOUR YEARS!!!

    and now I've forgotten HOW to finish it!!! oh dear!

  40. but, i determine to finish it while she's pregnant with her frist child...

    so... that will be my gift to her...

  41. ok...laundry calls...

    who does YOUR laundry, jess?

    why do i call it "YOUR"... why do we women think of the laundry as "OURS"?


    that can be a topic of a future day

    why do they call some women "housewifes"...

    but, don't call the man a "workhusband"?

  42. Laundry is for a woman.

    Housewife is an acurate term... in a perfect world.

  43. Anonymus is skating on very thin ice.

  44. KSBJ has some talk radio on Sunday nights......and because I am unable to listen to my Shuffle that I am addicted to....I had KSBJ on......and low and behold they are talking about wives and husbands and Love LOVE LOVE....

    I almost turned it off...and then I realized this preacher from someplace in Texas was talking about Gods love for US........and saving ourselves till marraige and being pure....and having a husband who adores you and cherishes you..
    and loving your man because he always protects you and hides you in HIS shadow...who wouldn't submit to that?

    It was wonderful..

    God is so in love with me.....

    I am His Valentine.....and He is mine.....and I am HIS favorite..
    and so are YOU!

    Isn't HE amazing?


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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