
Tuesday, February 27, 2007


A rough draft of Grandma's shirt design

A little more weight gain... she's up to 2 lbs 10 oz today.
And today, she is sporting a hospital gown, of sorts, sewn by volunteers, and a maroon hair bow. Grandma is sewing some shirts that will be the envy of all the preemies... ribbons and lace and whatnot. I don't know if she'll be a girly-girl in the long run, but she has no choice right now. MUAHAHAHAHA
Weird to think I could still be pregnant. And not even as far along as I got with Toby. It boggles the mind.

I have been riding around in style... Richy went out of town and I took the opportunity to be a contentious woman (joking) and drive it. By the time he got back in town, I was good at it. So I am now the van driver. WOOHOOO!! But, that means I have to go get insurance on it today. Bleh. I hate leaving the hospital.


  1. this is great.. they said they can add the van over the phone so I don't even have to leave!

  2. i was just thinkin that too

    we are like, you know...cool

    sunshine to to hospital room et al

  3. Go soccer mom, go!

    Van looks nice!

    Brynn is looking great!

    Keith was playing so happy and cute this morning, I didn't want to get in the shower.

  4. If you're not sure what to have for lunch, try this:

    CLEARFIELD, Pa. - The newest addition to the menu at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub is one whopper of a burger. The Beer Barrel Main Event Charity Burger weighs in at 123 pounds, a meaty monstrosity that its cooks maintain shatters the world record of 105 pounds.

    The sizable sandwich features an 80-pound beef patty, along with a pound each of lettuce, ketchup, relish, mustard and mayonnaise, 160 slices of cheese, up to five onions and 12 tomatoes.

    It's topped with a couple of pounds of banana peppers, then sandwiched into a 30-pound bun. Don't forget the garnish of 33 pickles.

    There's a pretty hefty price tag, too: $379.

    Leigey said he didn't know how many calories were stuffed into his latest gigantic entree.

    "If you were worried about calories you would be at home eating Kellogg's," he said.

  5. soft drinks are dangerous for your health and actually dehydrate you

  6. you've got 3 more seats to fill up...

    then you've got to buy a 15 passenger...

  7. what's the word from Fresno

  8. stylin in the mini clark

  9. again, what's the word from Fresno...???

    i live with a person who should know something, but we are like ships that pass in the night...

    good lsta

  10. But the Nathan Nelson you all know and love is the author of this work:
    The Role of Experience on Olfaction Responses in the Parisitoid Diaertiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)

    But there's no web address, because there was no www. when I wrote the thing!
    P.S. I got an 'A' and chosen as outstanding senior paper in my class...(since you guys asked)

  11. The word from Fresno?
    Strong's Number: 6555
    Phonetic Spelling

    to break through or down or over, burst, breach
    to break or burst out (from womb or enclosure) to break through or down, make a breach in to break into to break open to break up, break in pieces to break out (violently) upon to break over (limits), increase to use violence to burst open 1a to spread, distribute
    (Niphal) to be broken through (Pual) to be broken down (Hithpael) to break away

    ...one of the most unbelievable messages I've ever heard...and led to 45 minutes of spontaneous music, dancing, intercession, and worship.
    Total service time? 3 1/2 hours!!!

  12. PHERST!

    I will see you at the designated time so I can parta with my fav 7 year old and my fav 14 month old!

    Mommy guilt no matter where you are......but I will hurry and see you ASAP.....


  13. science is cool
    skippin school is bad (except when u r da techa)


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