
Monday, February 5, 2007

So, this is the new Blogger. Looks about the same. The only thing I can figure you might have to do differently is... if you have a gmail account, it will sign you in under that. You will have to specify if you want to use your Blogger ID.

I have an appointment this afternoon. I'll update in le comments.

28 weeks... 7 months. Not too shabby, eh?

the bad news: I am dilated between 1-2. This puts my risk of delivery much higher soon.

the good news: Dr Reed is putting me on a new drug that may help... and the baby is already healthy and big enough to be born. BUT making it another month or two is not unrealistic, according to Dr Reed.

So I will be moving upstairs permanently... only coming down to go to my appointments, which will be weekly now. Anybody have a mini-fridge you aren't using?


  1. 7 months!

    first with the traditional spelling

  2. My name is Keith..
    & I have 2 teeth..

    almost 10 months old..
    & just got over a cold..

    my name means brave..
    & someday I'll explore a cave..

  3. stephanie is still sick. Boys are destroying everthing until i get home to repair everthing that I can... girls are being rebellious because they have to help mom when Im not there. Please continue to pray. We should be learning something here or somehow become mature from this right?

    Thank you! - LOVE ROB

  4. keith is cute!
    my Isaac has 2 teeth now too
    he's 10 months tomorrow!
    how did John do in checkers?

    rob, are there any others available to help? family pulls together during times like these...your girls have a big responsibility....bribe em maybe

  5. Hey Beth did y'all stay up and watch the news? It showed all of us and a close up of andy holding Phillip's puppy! The showed a little bit with me but mostly Twiddle. He was the real star it was funny!

  6. oh yes, we saw it and andy recorded it too! he and twiddle are very popular and photogenic!
    Phillip was very excited to be on tv. you looked great and did a good interview. just matt's guitar...i was surprised they didn't show him more.

  7. hooray for 7 months (28 weeks)!

    there is a band named blynn; anybody know about them?

  8. 28 weeks.... coolness!

    Why were you peeps on the news?

    Beth- I beat John pretty bad at checkers, but both of us were forced to make some moves we didn't want to (the games has the rule programed that you HAVE TO take a jump if one is there).

    We also found out that Keith and Isaac have the same Amazing Animals train. The next day, looking at pics he emailed me, we saw that they both have the same swing also. Pretty funny!

  9. ya, so why were you on the news?

  10. We went to the park yesterday, and they channel 11 news was there, because of that pit bull attack last week. Anyway they saw Twiddle (Matt's dog) and started video taping him and asked if they could interview me and how I felt about this new ordinance they are trying to pass to keep dangerous dogs locked up. And Beth and Andy came by and they video them and there puppy and Matt playing the guitar.

  11. Jess, I actually do have a mini-fridge I'm not using, if you want it. I won it @ Operation Graduation...and it's seen a couple Dr. Peppers and cases of monster...but over-all is brand newish. I can bring it to RadRev tomorrow for Richy to pick up if you want...

    I know you may have been joking...but, I'm not using it! It's just sitting around!


    Hang in there, you can make it another month or more.

    Get that fridge from Napalm, get your laptop, and don't move.

  13. I was serious about the fridge, tron. awesome.

  14. jess -

    if i could... i would sing over you the song i sang while carrying Lindsey on the outside, and Hannah on the inside, week after week after week... lindsey would be crying, teething...and i'd rest her on top of my tummy, where Hannah was hiding...and sing the following...

    peace, peace
    wonderful peace
    coming down from the Father above
    sweep over my spirit
    forever i pray
    in fathomless billows
    of love...

    over and over...

    lindsey fell asleep...
    and Hannah Bee was born full of peace...

    the Lord answers

  15. Remember Jess, no alcohol in that ridge. I know it’s hard… just another month or two

  16. by the time J-man became talkative, he started calling the bear-shaped pillow that I rocked him on and sang to him as he laid on the pillow on my lap his "billow" and/or his "bigh-low"

    fathomless billows of love...

    we also sang the following...

    Bigh-Lo my baby
    Sleep sleep tight
    Bigh-Lo my baby
    All through the night
    Oh sun don't you rise
    In my baby's eyes
    Till I know that his rest
    Has been kissed and blessed from up above~~~~~

    Bigh-Lo my baby
    All through the night~~~~~~~

    I'm singing in my spirit right now to litle Brynn-lynn...

    Life...and peace....and love...and rest...and healing...and wholeness...and safety....and quietness...and time.... time.... time....

    tick tock tick tock... for weeks more...

  17. Howdy! How goes it?

  18. Shannon is at the store. Keith is playing on the floor. I'm stopping him from getting stuff he shouldn't.

  19. Jess,
    This is beebow. Could you call me on my cell # please.

  20. Yaaa Napalm........

    Let me know if that doesn't work out with N8palmmmmmmm cuz I have 3@R2R.....not new at all but running great...

    like new with Dr. Pepper stains sounds better.

    7 months is awesome.....

    8 months is awesomer.....

    God knows....

    He has promised you as many as you want.....

    Brynny is getting stronger and stronger every day!


  21. Forget about posting when I am tired.....this new blog makes it so much more of a hasselllllll

    I guess that will some how keep me sharp......

    Dad Gummit..

    You have to use a differnt acct FIRST before you commemnt or you will be navigating away from this page and loose all unsaved info


  22. Hello from Waco...oh, and David Koresh says 'hello'

    Napalm, don't forget YOU are playing BASS tomorrow night AND next week at RadRev! (punk...I hate missin'!)

  23. (but thanks for covering!)

  24. it's a blast!

    Y'know Mama PC...

    it's interesting that you mention that, because a couple weeks ago at RadRev, Han led us ALL in that same song!

    What a nice backstory...

  25. and I'll get out and clean that little fridge out...and bring it for Richy to take home.

    I miss seein ya Jess!

  26. PHERST!

    Fantastic Day in the World.

    Great day to REST in the Lord!


    Skeleten Crew@work gettin OLD

    Being so pulled and stretched in so many diff directions is great ground and set up for GOD to work and move.....and if I stay real real close to HIM than it is not so exausting.......

    God is in CHARGE..........

  27. Father God....

    Thank YOU for holding Brynny right where she is.....Keep her in the safe place of her mommys womb.. until the day that YOU have set apart for her birth. Thank YOU God for the fully developed perfectly formed pink little princess on YOUR time table. Father, fill Jessica with peace..close her cervix ..stop the process.... give her such a rest and peace and chilled out state, FULL OF JOY and gladness and excitement.... calm peaceful excitement....Let her rest in YOU......TRUST YOU....You are so Awesome DADDY GOD......

  28. Tues.
    Jess, John has a laptop he is not using right now if you want to use it I am sure he wouldn't mind and we can get it to you. Just let us know!
    Hang in there Honey you are almost home!


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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