
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

some Kangaroo care

Happy 1-weekday, Brynn!
Today I will have my boys until after lunch, then up to the NICU. I got to sleep in till nearly 7:55... thanks, Toby.
Yesterday I held Brynn for 3 hours.. she was having some apnea, and her oxygen saturation was a little low, but then she picked it up and did fine. When it was time to put her back, we were shocked to see she had been UNPLUGGED from her oxygen all that time! So she did that good, not only having no O2 support, but also breathing around the cannula in her nose! It was good to see that she does still need the support, but is doing more than I knew on her own!

Toby's been having problems with his formula digestion, so we're going to start giving him breastmilk today... I make way too much for Brynn to use. I'm curious to see what he'll think of this milk in his bottle... it's only been 4 months since I weaned him.

Brynn gained a little weight. She is now 2 lbs 8 oz... and she is eating 9 cc's of milk every 3 hours... so a little less than 3 ounces a day. I might go to Toys R Us today and buy some doll socks and hats... cute cute.


  1. pic with the pillow 'round your head reminds me of a wedding veil

    congratulations, happy Tuesday & anoms r friends

    what say youall!

  2. I guess me farst! wow jess, that is one beautiful little girl! She looks so very peaceful in her little isollette! that must be cause she's communicating with the angels God has sent to cover her!!before you know it,she'll be wanting to play with your make up and wear your dress shoes! daughters are such a blessing!! (not to discount sons,)

    but there's just something special about the mother-daughter dynamic!I just love my 2 girls to pieces! I adore my "little boy" as well, but mothers and daughters just have this "special" bond.It's hard to describe, but you will find out soon!

  3. Happy one week, Brynn! Be strong and courageous!

    Great report!

    TobyMac’s new CD is out today. I purchased the download this morning and burned a copy. I’m listening to it at work now. It’s very good! Overall I think I may end up liking Diverse City better.

  4. IHOP is celebrating National Pancake Day by giving a free short stack to any customers today. They just ask that you consider making a donation to the Children’s Miracle Network.

    Check it out

  5. IHOP for children
    IHOPrayer for the children

  6. UPDATE:
    Brynn is OFF the nasal cannula!!!! She is breathing completely on her own!! WAHOOO

    Pray that her O2 saturation stays good so she can keep her cannula away!

  7. Lunch time!

    Today was an innovative day in history:

    1872 - Luther Crowell was given a patent for a paper bag manufacturing machine that allowed the bags to have two longitudinal inward folds.

    1872 - J.P. Cooley and Silas Noble, both from Granville, Massachusetts, patented the toothpick manufacturing machine.

    Where would we be today without folding paper bags and tooth picks?

  8. Hey, wow! Great! lets see some unobstructed face pics tomorrow!

    What color are her eyes?

  9. BLUE...........HELLOooooooooo

    Aren't all babies born with BLUE eyes?


    Silly Josh.......

  10. all babies are not born with blue eyes.......mine had brown from day one.

    Congrats Jess!!!!

  11. No way Jose'

    Say it isn't so........

    WOW.....I guess because of the European heritage......I thought EVERYONE originally has BLUE eyes.

    Might be a Danish Peagan Myth.

  12. Probably a Danish Peagan Myth, since you're Danish and a peagan.

  13. too funny, you people...

    so glad about how strong and healthy Brynn is...

    did you see the news about that little preemie that was the smallest ever... and how little her feet were at birth and how now she's gonna get to home? those tiny feet made an impression on me...

    can't wait to see brynn....

    how did the formula switch do with tobias?

    good idea!

  14. uh oh
    i forgot
    im anon
    im a nobody
    according to


  15. Yeah!! Brynn is breathing on her own! Wonderful.

    I wanted to say the other day.. yet probably got busy with Keith,
    I'm sooo happy that you are pumping your milk for her!! I was hoping you would & considering suggesting it. It's so worth all the effort.. just picture that the time you spend, you'd be spending that amount of time anyways if you were nursing her. Glad she is getting more & more of it.

    Ya, how did Toby react to having some! delighted?! : )

    I remember Julie D. & maybe Crystal mentioning one formula that is VERY bad for causing constipation, if that was the problem. Ask them what it was.

    I'm looking forward to celebrating my dad's 50th birthday this weekend.. we'll be going over to their place. Also attending the funeral for Drew's mom. It'll be so different seeing TONS of people that I haven't for about 6 and 7 years!

  16. Yeah, I've pumped for all of them... 3+ months for r2 ... he never got to actually breastfeed, though.

    Toby started to drink the first bottle, then stopped and smiled at me... I guess he liked it!

    Bether- the van is a 2006... burgundy Toyota Sienna

  17. i'm glad you corrected that spelling mistake... spelling erros really pirterb me...

    how much does toby weigh now?

    i bet he looks like a huge monster compared to little delicate ballerina slipper brynn...

    how's his resp symptoms? better? i bet the new formula helps that as well!


    good night and God bless you all!

  18. anoms r friends! hopefully

    What you send to one person -- even a friend you know IRL ("in
    real life") -- can travel all over the Internet (and your
    school's hallways) without you even knowing this is happening.

    analog is scheduled to "go dead" (i.e., stop working)
    on February 18, 2008


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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