
Friday, August 12, 2005

Vacation is over....

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We'll be heading home today... sigh.
But, I do have 5 books waiting for me at the library. And tomorrow I
get to go to Babies R Us and Half Price Books! So that's kinda a
vacation extender.

I had crab legs last night. Really, they are the best thing. I get them
twice a year... birthday and anniversary... mmmmmmm
I actually had the Ultimate Feast which also included lobster tail and
shrimp. It was so good. I sat there picking at the tiny little pieces
for a long time. It's such a violent thing to eat. BREAK the legs and
pull out the meat. Anyway....mmmmmm

I'm starting to deal with some emotions now... as I get closer. I can
feel myself trying not to think about this baby. I need to get in the
Bible and start surrounding myself again. Anytime I hide from God I
start getting sad or afraid.

Housekeeping came at 8:30 this morning. I told her come back later, but
isn't that pretty early? Sheesh.

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