
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ultrasound today

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I go in for an ultrasound at 2:30 today. Hopefully we'll be able to
tell the gender today.
(despite my ease in discussing my internal workings with strangers, I
don't like to say the SEX of the baby)
Anyhoo, painted my toenails a startling red. R2 was so jealous. He kept
putting his foot up by my hand, and even when I had the boys don't get
polish talk, no go. He was so insistent I am now baby-gated in my room
drying my nails in lonely splendor.

Been getting some questions about my upcoming bedrest. Here are some
1. What can I/We do to help?
•If you want to join the "food comittee" currently organizing at CTK,
you can email Terri Ramirez who is planning 3 meals a week for us....
what a blessing. mailto:angel_tmr@yahoo.com
• I love books. I have read most of the Christian fiction out there,
but I'd read it all again if you wanted to buy or lend me books.
• Chick flicks, on VHS or DVD.... no S_E_X please

2. Do you want visitors?
Well, not for a while. It could potentially be a pretty tense time for
a month or two, and I tend to not rest or chill at all when I'm
visiting. Plus, I will be on STRICT bedrest (i.e. bedpan) Not the
greatest company.

3. What about phone calls?
I don't really like to talk on the phone, it takes more effort than
writing or emailing,

4. Are you an antisocial jerk?
Well, sort of. But that's not what any of this is about. I just have to
rest and chill out as much as I possibly can. So I can't do much

I want to express how much I appreciate everyone's concern and prayers.
The last thing I want to do is hurt or reject someone. So please have
mercy on me as I fight for my baby.


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