
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Skipping church

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I am skipping today.... I have probably skipped 3 times in the last
month. The nice thing about today is that Richy and Richy both went. So
I am here alone.
Before anybody freaks, I am on modified bedrest... I can get up to go
to the bathroom and eat. And I promise to not move any furniture. DO
not come over here. I fully intend to read a massive novel from start
to finish without anybody wiping peanut butter on my arm.
I feel fine. I'm on antibiotics, but I have no symptoms anymore, which
is nice. We set up the room yesterday for my upcoming bedrest. (I
It's so cozy and clean in here. I like it a lot. I'll post a picture

Leah's in Oklahoma. 35+ weeks pregnant. If that's not tempting fate I
don't know what is. But if she has an Okie, she'll have him in a
hospital. Not in her oat bran birthing center. So she'll probably try
to hold out.
I'm just saying it's tempting fate. If I was fate, I'd probably zap her
for driving that far.
But knowing Leah and Nate, the baby will stay nicely put till they get
back. Because they plan things. And their plans work. This has always
puzzled me. Regardless, baby Kai is going to be an exciting addition to
the family.

and Val... it's even funnier because they're called CROW's feet.

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