
Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Biscuits and gravy

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This morning I woke up thinking about biscuits and gravy. I had to
finish a novel before I could get out of bed, but now that's done.
I toyed with the idea of making it from scratch. Nah.
Now the choice is IHOP or Dennys?
And when will my little sleepyhead wake up and stumble in here so we
can go?

Richy (my husband) was in San Antonio last night. He called around
11:30. I always answer the phone when it's that late because I need to
know if a meteor fell on the Woodlands and someone is letting me know.
But, it was Richy.
Really good ministry last night. The church was right with them from
the get-go, and they had a beautiful worship time.
The team had to get on the road at some unearthly hour this morning to
make it to El Paso by this afternoon and set up to play tonight!
They'll be there for 3 days, doing our conference and then he should be
home Saturday night.

Today, my packed schedule includes food, Rush Limbaugh and the library.
Pretty much heaven on earth, folks.


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