
Friday, December 30, 2005

from Jess

Hi everybody! Just checking in... I am doing really well...I am feeling pretty emotional about being discharged from the hospital because I don't...


Thursday, December 29, 2005

"the joyful mother of children"

"the joyful mother of children"

FinallyGottcha! (Toby's first picture)"What happened?" Big Boy! First Contact, what a trip Add a mustach and you got Calvin Stanley..."Please don't put me...


Update, no pix yet

Toby is doing much better! He came off the ventilator at 10:30 am. He is still on a nasal canula and has a...


Baby Tobias is Here!

12/28/05 7:45 4lbs 14ozPictures coming soon.Toby is having some hard time absorbing oxygen. He is currently on a ventilator which is basically doing...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Gentlemen, cart your Injuns

It's morning.... and I don't know what to do.I am allowed to get up.... but what then?This is new. At this point I...


Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I was right.... he's just hanging in there by a barely. Dr Reed said if I start having contractions every 10 minutes get...


the Joker

I have a doctor's appointment today... I'm actually looking forward to hearing what's going on in there. I am not sure--- you see,...


Monday, December 26, 2005

34 weeks! PARTYTOBYGANZA 2005!

34 weeks!Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with his eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find him...


Sunday, December 25, 2005


I am sleepwalkingI'm hoping that maybeif I tiptoe softly enoughthen you will comeAnd not just be anothersweet dream faded too soonMaybe if I...


Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

Probably not much going to happen in here today.... everybody have a very Merry Christmas!...


Thursday, December 22, 2005


I miss my sassy little blonde hair. This hair is nice.... but who everwanted to be nice? I want to be dangerous.But, the...


Wednesday, December 21, 2005



Isaacguys day continues......

Myths about manhood... or are they?

Myths about manhood... or are they?

• Guys will not ask for directions• Guys think about "it" all the time• Guys like blow'em up movies, hate romantic comedies• Guys...


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New blog

New blog

Kai Nelson This morning I had a lovely sleep. Now I am awake and I can't think of anything to blog about.I have...


Monday, December 19, 2005


My appointment was good... cervix is still dilated to 3 so the plan is chill for this week and then next week I...


33 weeks! TOBYBLANZAGANZA and is Isaac Diaz here yet??

Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy.Your baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain...


Saturday, December 17, 2005

killin time

all is well... same ol same oljust killin time till 34 weeks......


Friday, December 16, 2005

YIKES! upstairs

Sorry folks.. I was resting and eating and such...


Day 1

Well, I would have had a very comfy sleep. But this terbutaline pump I'm hooked up to ran out of medicine at 5...


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Wahoo! Jess and I felt this morning that we've had enough. She's been having no contractions for 4 or so days, and living...


Day 8

I think this is day 8 of my hospital confinement, with a break Saturday afternoon and night.I feel the same. I have occasional...


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The view

The view

Here is a little pictorial of our hospital journey...Great news! From the ultrasound, Toby is over 4 pounds! HOORAY!!miserable and wretched on magnesiumfinally...


gent's day

I will post updates if anything changes. Until then, take it away, blokes....


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

mornin, all

No real update here... I am waiting for some medication.... the home health nurses and the hospital nurses are at war and I...


Monday, December 12, 2005


My ultrasound was good. Besides the painfully full bladder part...Toby looks very happy and cute and slightly chubby.... YAYR2 has now joined us...


My ultrasound was good. Besides the painfully full bladder part...Toby looks very happy and cute and slightly chubby.... YAYR2 has now joined us...



32 weeks is a huge milestone. From here on out, Toby basically just gains weight. Everybody up here at the hospital is relieved...


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Jailbreak and reconfinement

Last night when we got back to the hospital .... we got sent home. There was some wackiness about insurance re-admitting us and...


Saturday, December 10, 2005

about to bust out for the big day

Well, howdy! This is Jess posting on Terbutaline. It's kinda like mainlining caffeine.My hands, they shakeMy head, I can't finish sentencesetcBUT TODAY IS...


Thursday, December 8, 2005

Star date 78340

It's 10:23pm Thursday, Jess is looking good. She has had very few contractions in the last few hours. And is in good spirits!...


Update from the Camp

Finally saw a doctor at 2pm ish... Jessica's cervix looks the same. 3cm. (that's good) The doctor is happy, and optimistic that we...


from the confines of hospital labor camp

Hello all, this is Richy typing for Jess, I mean, not right now, this is me. In a moment it will be Jessica.Jessica...


Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Guys day fiddle-dee-dee

Guys day fiddle-dee-dee

My appointment today is around 2.... so I may not do the update before you worker bees leave work. 3D ULTRASOUND TODAY WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!Gentlemen,...


Tuesday, December 6, 2005

rambling with bad breath

My doctor's appointment is tomorrow... so I will be here today. I amcurrently waiting for the nurse to come and give me my...


Monday, December 5, 2005



31 weeks! and Happy B-day Julie- BLANZA!

Week Thirty-OneThe rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though he doesn't get much longer, he will gain a...


Saturday, December 3, 2005

Obligatory weekend blog entry

Don't get me wrong. My weekends have no distinction from my weeks. Thus, I could write a thoughtful and engaging blog entry today....


Friday, December 2, 2005

okay okay

I'm back. We also went to "Starbox" Coffee and Donuts... advertising that they serve beakfast.And at Dollar G, we bought bottled water and...



Congrats to Julie on 30 weeks and Crystal on 37.... the majority of pollsters voted for Dec 4-10 for Crystal's Isaac.... we shall...


Thursday, December 1, 2005

here ya go

ATTENTION: In the comment section of this post, I made a joke about contracting, etc. I, and blogger.com sincerely regret this joke. It...


Urban myths

A subject of great interest to me is/are urban legends. A subject of great interest to me is urban legends. Hmmm. Something wacky...


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Guys Day on the blog

Guys Day on the blog

It's been a slow week on the blog. Gentlemen, I need some entertainment....


Tuesday, November 29, 2005


My appointment went well. I am (males - tune out) dilated a fingertip which is not a big deal for 30 weeks on...

Congrats Georgia!

Congrats Georgia!

About time! I'll let Georgia tell you all about them...Good luck on your interview today, Josh! Show 'em how it's done in Texas!Doctor's...


Monday, November 28, 2005

Heather and the in-laws

Heather and the in-laws

Here's Heather with the Wabatabi tribe......



Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?His head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. Don't...


Saturday, November 26, 2005

and.... it's over

We had the Clark/Joy Thanksgiving yesterday.I made my first turkey ever. It was, as expected, a dry yet greasy tasteless bird. Nonetheless, it...


Friday, November 25, 2005

the rundown

the rundown

Well, yesterday was a blast of course. 7 am Mama shows up with the turkey... I can't sleep anyway so I go andtalk...


Thursday, November 24, 2005


Give thanks.... and eat.... and give thanks again......and eat....WOO-HOO!...


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Man day

there's a minister han-day... and it sure would be dan-day... ah never mindI have an ultrasound and a drs. appointment today... so I...


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

what's the point

Of a new blog now... you've all gone home. I was at HEB.... holy moley...



I don't have an appointment today. They are both on Wednesday this week. So I'll miss most of Guy's Day but I'm sure...


Monday, November 21, 2005


Sorry about the delay everybody. But now the web is MINE!...


29 weeks! Toby GANZA Hallelujah BLANZA!

29 weeksYour baby's head is in proportion with body now. He appears more like a newborn each and every day!Fat continues to accumulate...


Sunday, November 20, 2005

An ode to CTK

Today I will go to Christ the Kingand sit in a hard plastic chairI will lift my voice and singAnd admire Lindsey's hairYou...


Saturday, November 19, 2005


Last night I rode in a wheelchair at IKEA. Did you know they have wheelchairs everywhere? It's been a surprise to me. Anyhoo,...


Friday, November 18, 2005

Big Paint Day! Need help!

Hello all. I am hijacking the blog to make a fun ( I said FUN, F.U.N) request. Jess and I need help painting...


A wee poll in the marnin

When will Crystal go into labor?Today, or over the weekendThanksgiving DayDecember 1-3December 4-10December 11-17week of her due date 12/23LATE!  Free polls from Pollhost.com Marnin,...


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tgiving Upstairs

And the thing about turkey eaters is that a lot of them are turkey zealots. You know, convincing the reluctant to "try it"...



The subject of Thanksgiving food has been on my mind for some time now. I greatly anticipate the "feed" every year. Now, since...


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Guy's day continues

just can't bring myself to call it "Man Day"...


That time of week again

Let's see what the guys come up with today. Maybe a discussion of their deepest held fears. Or how hard it is to...


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

We set up the bassinet last night.We had planned on using a Pack-and-Play (translation: playpen) with a bassinet but Kai is no longer...


Monday, November 14, 2005

new carpet

new carpet




Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while...


Sunday, November 13, 2005

And fun was had by all

Well, last night was the Randy Travis concert. Don't get me wrong. There was some good singing and music. But when you grow...


Saturday, November 12, 2005

plan for today

Well, here we are again at the weekend. Generally pretty quiet on the ol' blog over the weekend.Today our plan is to move...


Friday, November 11, 2005

3rd story

3rd story



When I was looking for the Charlie Brown tree picture I found this one....


Well, yesterday ended up being a record day after all. Congrats, everybody!Happy 27 weeks Julie! And isn't this some kinda holiday? Veterans Day...


Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's all in the pictures

It's all in the pictures




I have no idea why the comments locked up... continue, ladies!And any male who dares comment today!Champion bowling team...



I talk to myself.There, now you know.I do a little of your run of the mill "What should I eat.... let's see..." talking.But...


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Welcome, Eli Happy Tullos!

YAY! We could do guys day here on the blog, but Matt's out... and we female types might as well take over. Feel...


Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Big Day for Big Daddy! And D'ana...

Big Day for Big Daddy! And D'ana...

Rumor has it that Eli H Tullos is on his way! Hooray!!Got a doctor's appointment today... you know the routine. See you in...


Monday, November 7, 2005


"How your baby's growing: Your baby is really starting to fill up your uterus. This week he weighs almost 2 pounds and is...


Sunday, November 6, 2005

Yesterday was a fun day. I made Richy pancakes and a ham and egg omelette... my first. I can't say any of it...


Saturday, November 5, 2005

Happy Birthday to my Sweetie

and his twin...28 big ones today... He said all he wanted for his birthday was for me to still be pregnant and everything...


Friday, November 4, 2005

Daylight Savings

I don't care for this new schedule. It gets dark before I'm ready for night. And it gets bright very very early. Almost...


Thursday, November 3, 2005

mas mas

Update on earlier post...


Doctor's appointment

I have an early appointment today... pray for an awesome report! UPDATEIt was a great appointment.... no cervical change! So we all agreed...


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Guys Day ... take it away

I dare you to make me laugh.......


Tuesday, November 1, 2005


Well, my appointment went ok... except the hospital is cracking down on the "don't tell the patient anything" policy so I had to...


November 1st

It's November! Hooray! This year is rocketing past, and that's great with me!I have an ultrasound today... just a view from down under......


Monday, October 31, 2005

26 weeks! Hooray TOBY blanza!

" Fetal Development - Week 26 The baby now weighs between 1.5 and 2 pounds/ 680 and 900 grams and is approximately 9...


Sunday, October 30, 2005


I celebrated Halloween once. Probably more than once but there's only one I remember before the aged parents put the big kabosh on...


Saturday, October 29, 2005

weekend blog

weekend blog

We'll see if I come up with something to write about... we shall seeI think Richy's a little concerned about my Rumsfeld reference...


Friday, October 28, 2005

The twins

Happy Birthday Heather and Mikey! I remember when they were born.... we rode in a little brown beetle all the way down 45.......


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, we lost the World Series... and thus, my monthlong interest in baseball will go the way of its fathers.I stayed up way...


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


My appointment was good... no change! Holy Moley! I could have this baby in 10 weeks and he'd be normal! Well, Yablonski "normal"...then...


Doctor's Appointment

I have an appointment in an hour... slept late, now waiting to GO GO GO....Update should be early afternoon.......


Monday, October 24, 2005

Holy Cow! 25 weeks!!

"Your baby weighs onepound, nine ounces, and measures 22 centimeters crown-to-rump. Yourbaby's ears are fully functional now, and he or she may even...


Sunday, October 23, 2005

fiction lecture 3,457

I think I may go to church today. So the lecture begins now.The subject of today's lecture is Dee Henderson. Dee writes romantic...


Saturday, October 22, 2005

brain difficulties

brain difficulties

I just can't think of anything entertaining. I'm sure it will come to me in a blinding flash later today. For now..... pftttttTomorrow:...


Friday, October 21, 2005


I am typing this long before I'll actually post it. The MOG woke me up by turning on the blinding light to find...


Thursday, October 20, 2005


I am having a great time. The Astros won... it was so sweet to see Jeff Bagwell and Craig Biggio cry... they've been...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

24 weeks 2 days! A NEW RECORD!

24 weeks 2 days! A NEW RECORD!

I am not going back to sleep. I would like to believe differently of myself. But the fact is, I am awake now....


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


sorry it's so late... but I had an awesome report! Nothing has changed... my cervix is still as it should be. Praise God!...



Got an ultrasound and a doctor's appointment today... and we've decided to postpone our beachgoing until Wednesday.So go ahead, I dare you. Amuse...


Monday, October 17, 2005

plan for the year....

plan for the year....




24 weeks today. What a milestone. I had the twins at 24 weeks, and R2at 24 weeks 1 day. So as of Wednesday,...


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fiction lecture 2 or so

The subject for the day is Gilbert Morris. GM has written about 4,329 novels, most of which are historical and follow the Winslow...


Saturday, October 15, 2005


my mind is too sleepy... will blog later...LATER, on the ranch:The problem is, I am a morning person. As in sleep 2 hours...


Friday, October 14, 2005


I watched another Astros game last night, this time with Richy and Paul (and R2, of course). It was more fun having some...


Thursday, October 13, 2005

hangin out

hangin out

Last night (actually starting at 4) Richy went out and I decided to keep R2 because... I'm feeling much better and I didn't...

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