
Thursday, December 8, 2005

from the confines of hospital labor camp

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Hello all, this is Richy typing for Jess, I mean, not right now, this is me. In a moment it will be Jessica.

Jessica says:
"Yesterday I went to a routine doctors appointment and found out that I was dilated to 3 cm. I also got a 3D ultra-sound which I will post later. Then off we went to the hospital. I hate it here. Pray for patience. "

So folks, that all Jessica has to say.
Last night around 5 pm she was having contractions at 2 min apart! By 11:30 pm they had basically stopped. I think perhaps more prayer than medicine. However, things are looking better. We haven't talked to a doctor yet. We still won't till the after noon. They will check her cervix, and we will be able to post. Being the computer genius that I am, we now have internet access on my laptop in the L&D room. We are praying that she stabilizes enough to go to her baby shower this Saturday. The doctor told us yesterday that they may make an exception for us. Jess and I both don't like being here. But we are praying for patience. She doesn't want visitors right now because she feels so bad (from the drugs) , and talking causes contractions. I will be checking the blog if anyone has any questions. Joy! and thanks for all your many prayers and intercessions. My faith is going UP! - Richy

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