
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Baby Tobias is Here!

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12/28/05 7:45 4lbs 14oz
Pictures coming soon.

Toby is having some hard time absorbing oxygen. He is currently on a
ventilator which is basically doing half the work for him. Jess and I
were hoping to have a free for all visitation today, however, because
he is not stable yet, we feel it wouldn't be good to have a lot of
people come see him right now. Everybody can visit us, it just may be
a while for everyone to see Toby. (He is currently in the NICU) The
pictures I will post (as soon as I get my dv cable from home) are

Jess is having a real hard time with this, because she is not allowed
to feed Toby until he stabilizes, plus he wants his mommy and doesn't
understand what is going on etc...
Despite his breathing issues, he looks really good to me. He looks
like a big baby. He's looking around great, and before the ventilator
went in, he was crying great too!
I've decided he looks the most like Calvin Stanley, with his body frame.

Thank you all for your prayers. Leah asked me last night what the word
I got concerning him when Jess was 18 weeks in pre-term labor and it's
from John 14- 16 "In this world you will have tribulation...but my
peace I leave with you." Toby's name was to mean peace, (middle name
Paxton) . So we are in some tribulation, however, I believe we have a
promised victory. May Tobias be with his mommy before the year is
over! Glory! - Richy

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