
Thursday, December 8, 2005

Update from the Camp

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Finally saw a doctor at 2pm ish... Jessica's cervix looks the same. 3cm. (that's good) The doctor is happy, and optimistic that we could go a few days to longer. ( I prefer longer ) She is still having contractions, now about one every 15 min. But it appears they are not strongly effecting her cervix. They are going to try to put her on a different medicine in the morning, Turbutaline w/ a pump. She did mention the possiblity of a hospital pass for Saturday assuming everything is going well.
So we are doing well, hoping to stay were we are for a few weeks. Keep praying! Thank you to everyone! We'll let you know here, if there is an update. Otherwise, we are just waiting. Blessings, Richy

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