
Monday, October 24, 2005

Holy Cow! 25 weeks!!

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"Your baby weighs one
pound, nine ounces, and measures 22 centimeters crown-to-rump. Your
baby's ears are fully functional now, and he or she may even blink in
reaction to a loud noise. The brain is growing rapidly. If you could
look inside your uterus, you'd see a well-proportioned head and body."

Well, my birthday week is over... but the post 24-week euphoria is
just beginning. Oh, this is fun! Even my aching bones and 3000 trips
to the "jane" are fun because I've never made it this far! WE'RE GOING

the Astros lost last night.... mostly because of stinking cheaters.
We'll see if they get away with that in Texas...

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