
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

in which I fail to make a friend

I'm a friendly cat, born in the South, you know, apt to strike up conversations at Walmart or the doctor's office or whatever. And I can usually always find common ground with somebody, if I try. Every now and then, though, I (probably all of us) strike out. You try one ball, something easy, like a popular movie or whatever, and they're all awkward and they haven't seen it and their friend died while watching that movie, or something awful, or you refer to kids or a husband or a house or whatever, and you just keep striking out.

Today I met a new mom at gymnastics, and she asked me about Halloween, and I said we basically ignore it, and she was all like, can I ask why? And then I'm all awkward because I try to explain in a non-judgmental way, that it's all the death and gore and plastic corpses hanging from my neighbors tree and neighborhoods full of sex offenders. And children dressed like prostitutes or serial killers, with no shame or horror at murder. And the weirdness of panhandling at stranger's doors. I said that really nicely, but it was still kind of awkward. And then she was like, we're being a princess... and a scarecrow and a pirate... and I was awkward in return. And I tried to say, we like costumes, and candy, all year round, but that point I was already the Judgmental Lady, all in her house and judging.

Then somehow she brought up going back to school and working out of the home, and I was trying to be all supportive and stuff, but somehow it sounded like I was saying she worked for fun, like she wanted to get out of the house, and she was all like, I work for money. I don't know. It was just not smooth at all, and I hate that kind of thing, because I can make friends with anybody, usually. I'm surprised she didn't try talking some politics.

And if you trick-or-treat, don't get all offended because seriously, I am a nice person, unless you have animatronic witches in your yard and dress your 4 year old in a Pretty Woman costume. Stop that.


  1. Sometimes you eat the bear...sometimes the bear eats you...a famous quote from Little Big Man oft quoted by your daddy. You know sometimes it is just not gonna happen relationally wise the person you are attempting to communicate with (or with whom you are attempting to communicate) is from Venus. Although I have known some interesting Venusians. You just never know what they may want to discuss, that's the problem. mama

  2. you are so funny. seriously. i love reading your blog! thank you for making me laugh out loud today. i needed a good laugh! :) (and i totally agree with you about halloween, by the way.) lora

  3. Awkward indeed! I don't think there is a way to tell people the reasons WHY you do things sometimes without them thinking THEY ARE JUDGING ME! If you figure it out, let me know!


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